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Posts posted by MrSixFour

  1. Sup guys,

    I trust you rambunctuous bunch have been well in my absence. Was down in England (Ew, I know - Scotland FTW) and had a good time. Getting trained up to be a paint repair specialist and I can happily report the course was a success resulting in a pass!

    So now you find me sitting in Birmingham airport waiting to go home. My bag was 3kg over so I had to remove some items and put them in my luxurious hand-luggage (WH Smith's exclusive plastic bag range)

    Some of the more 'suspect' items included: A Gas mask, steel toe cap boots, "A beginners Guide to BDSM", "A men's guide to sex toys" and a massive folder in it.

    So yeah..
    ..airport security will be full of questions I'm guessing. Either that or I get nabbed by Mi5 and I end up staying here forever.

    Hopefully not. Managed to pick up FSX (officially the 5th time I've had to re-buy it) and Euro Truck Sim 2 (with the European cities DLC)

    Looking forward to getting home and hanging with you guys. Get ready, lube up; SixFour's a-comin' home!



  2. While it's a decent idea I'd have to give a no vote [Maybe in a few months/years tho?]. Reasons being:


    1. I & A 2/3 should definitely come first
    2. While full release [A3]; still buggy as all hell
    3. Honestly? - I think the mods atm for ArmA 3 suck. I personally really haven't seen anything that I would actually take the time and data to d/l to make it a better experience other than VBT Wep Rest [This will lead to people not being to access another server at this stage, i.e: Pissed off peeps, hurr durr] 
    4. If you wanna keep on attracting more players that server is your child during peak hours and should be loved and tended to as so.


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