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Everything posted by mykeyrm

  1. mykeyrm


    Unfortunately "GameHack#38" is a BattleEye ban not one of ours and as such there is nothing we can do about this ban. You will have to contact BattleEye regarding this matter. MykeyRM
  2. You and your two friends were banned as i was spectating the three of you in armed vehicles: Causing multiple TK's, shooting other vehicles on base and in general mucking around. Following the removal of you and your friends base was then a calm place again. As I took quick action and cannot confirm the main offender in this instance and as you placed an appeal Your ban will be Lifted. However... your ID will be flagged and next time we may not be so lenient. Obey the rules if you wish to continue playing on Ahoy-world servers in the future. MykeyRM
  3. mykeyrm

    Evil Elf

    Twice the UGV fired on pilots at spawn. next time take action to prevent this. Ban lifted, this time.
  4. A "rush of loneliness" as you put it should have you looking for acceptance of others not lead you to fire on friendly choppers with a Hunter_HMG which is the offence you were reported and banned for. As you have taken the time and effort to appeal this ban (On this occasion) the ban will be lifted, Next time you may not be so lucky. Ban lifted, MykeyRM
  5. mykeyrm


    Good to see you're cut up and apologetic about the behavior that got you banned..... You're ban date is listed as 2/8/2015 so indeed the 1 month has expired. However I myself am not prepared to lift the ban given your apparent lack of remorse in the matter As I was not the banning admin I will however get a reminder out to the other admins to take action one way or another.
  6. mykeyrm


    In future try to use chat to express your frustration as apposed to open firing as it is not always clear if you intend to hit an object or not. This time, Ban will be lifted within the next 12 hours. Banning admin, mykeyrm.
  7. From the chat log of You're session. 16:53:01 | (Side) Cerebres: I AM THE TK KING! I would be highly surprised to see you on the server again with those words and little show of effort in you're appeal.
  8. Also you were previously banned only a day or so earlier by me later removed by another staff member so you have had warning about your behaviour.
  9. mykeyrm


    Apologies for the delay in my reply, I Work nights and sleep days. Agreed this ban can be lifted. Based on the effort put in to get the ban removed id say you have learnt a lesson and earned a second chance. I May have been a bit hasty in my ban without warning but from my point of view you were aiming with intention at those choppers and following the fire on vehicles it didn't look good. Enjoy your second chance, play nice. MykeyRM
  10. As you have taken the time to appeal to this ban I (the Admin that banned you) will lift the ban THIS time. keep the TK to the pvp servers. mykeyrm
  11. Well you were the only one that saw me as green so maybe it was you on too much the mt dew lol
  12. mykeyrm


    Lol as one of the core staff said once my scripts are "one liners". When if comes to setting up scripted AI, markers, triggers etc i'm still limited.
  13. mykeyrm


    -Script change to base protection. Allow spawn protection to switch off when opfor near. Will make it easier for players to take them down and let zeus run base attack missions. -Give admins 20 VAS loadout slots back. execute: vas_customslots = 19; On admin Login to restore 20 slots. -Remove Opfor static weapons from vas box. Being set up at base by twits. -New Base design I dunno about the public but id love to see some more buildings and objects or change of layout. - Side missions at sea? All that water and we don't use it. Few thoughts.
  14. As I can recall the In-game name you have given I'll assume for now that I miss-Clicked while executing the ban of Whiskey(GER). - The ban against you has been lifted - Should you truly be an innocent party in this matter we apologize for the inconvenience. MykeyRM.
  15. Last I heard the Stratis version was running to test out numerous scripts and the impact on performance they have with I&A without a huge map having an effect. Just the crew doing what they can to try and get the best out of the I&A game mode.
  16. Perhaps a player dsync check before the player can enter co-pilot should be added to code if possible.
  17. I felt the same way and have past on the code change required to up the number of slots to 20. Should hopefully be included in servers soon. =)
  18. Hey y'all I'm Mike,(mike being my usual in-game name) I recently got arma3 and have been flying almost exclusively for the first 87hours in game. Loving the improvements from arma2 so far and cant wait for the full version. Catch ya all in game soon.
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