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Posts posted by KingScuba

  1. I personally use the scroll distance to identify friendlies and to check if an ifrit is friendly or not. i think if u take it away there will be alot more friendly ifrits and players getting shot. because there are some players that wear clothing similar to enemy uniform. unless u can just remove the distance and still be able to scroll to identify friendlies.


    Yes, you can easily just remove the distance and keep the identify. Personally, I prefer it all to be off. In pubs, i prefer it to be on for that exact reason, however you will still end up being friendly fired either by accident or on purpose,

  2. So scroll distance, where you flick the scroll and you get your range. Making life a hair bit too easy. Rangefinders were implemented, give people a bit more incentive to use them. On eu server, I've noticed that you implemented the Sniper/Spotter roles, which I like quite a bit. But there's little desire to grab a spotter if all you have to do is flick the scroll wheel and negate any need for a rangefinder.


    Here's what TAW's manual says about these 2 roles, And I've edited it to apply to your domi server (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12346) (if you don't like taw, use shacktacs http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/attachments.html)


    Sniper Duties and Responsibilities:


    Selects Sniper Hide Location to fire from
    Adjusts scope for range and angle
    Engages human targets
    Observes and relays information with spotter
    Walks spotter on target (both are responsible for finding targets)
    Spotter Duties and Responsibilities:
    Identifies targets by priority
    Walks sniper on target (Both are responsible for finding targets)
    Makes range estimates for sniper
    Provides close-range security and takes point when moving
  3. True dat



    I don't think so seeing as you told me my "mortors" suck balls.... They are a work in progress  i have a full time job  :ph34r:<-- I'm a ninja

    Additionally i don't think so seeing as you called Inavde & Annex - Domination, that would be an error to p!££ everybody off

    Coin for your offer though


    Are you going to honestly tell me that you WANT to get blown up by the mortor? that was just a little joke that could be rephrased "Mortor teams and why you should hate them" meaning kill them NAO.

  4. Proposal : Create 2 billboards in front of the Helicopter pads that contains the rules and information via scroll menu.


    Purpose : Hopefully, along with the map, People will be drawn to the billboards where they can learn basic ideals about the server, what their particular class needs to be doing, and other various things.


    Suggested Rules Billboard Text : Scroll on this Billboard for Server Rules


    Suggested topics in Rules :

    - Server Rules

    - Pilot Rules

    - Squad Leader Rules

    - Medic Rules

    - Repair Specialist Rules

    - Voice Over Net Rules (Might be contained in Server Rules)


    Suggested Information Billboard Text : Scroll on this Billboard to Learn how to Play


    Suggested topics in Information :

    - Basic Pilot Information

    - Basic Squad Leader

    - Basic Medic

    - Basic Repair Specialist

    - How to play Domination

    - Rewards for Side Missions

    - Mortors and why they suck balls

  5. Alright i have cutted you post into bits and will reply to some of it:

    1: We strongly advice to be on TS of you are in certain slots like the Pilot, however it is not set in stone, nor is it a requirement, and for sure you will not be kicked out of the slot for the reason you are not in TS. You will be removed out of the slot if you are rubbish and thus hindering the gameplay of others.

    2: This is actually a good idea, and we even did this for a while :) however with our map being downloaded and used on so many servers it confused people and even still we have people logging into TS that are actually playing on a total different server... (And it sometimes makes for very funny situations i can say) I'm guessing this is not the most optimal way to go, and might have to look for other ideas and suggestions.

    3: TS will never be a requirement, just a strong advisory. We have many very good pilots that are not on TS, and do everything by text-chat. Also making this a requirement would be discrimination against disabled people not able to use teamspeak for whatever reason.

    4: Here you have a valid point. So recently we put the rules up in the forums, and we also came up with some very cool ideas to display these rules in the game, not only in the intro-screen. However as with the influx of expansion we didnt got to it yet.

    5: We dont really do that as long as the player is not hindering other players by being a lone wolf. So this already insures you cannot lone wolf on one of the critical slots like pilot or medic for example. AW is a place for everyone to enjoy gaming, and if lone wolf is your thing, and you are not in anyones way, you are happy to play on our servers. We are not a milsim server. Things that do get you booted: ideling and thus taking a slot away from someone that would activly enjoy our server, being stupid and uncooperative.

    6: We enforce the rules as they are stated on the forum. We do appriciate any help in enforcing these rules so you are always welcome to report it when you see people breaking these rules, the admin online will then deal with it as he seems fit. After all we cannot possibly see everything always. If however our rules are not strickt enough for you liking: ok sorry but i'm sure you will find you place in arma somewhere. Like state before we are no milsim, and neighter do our members enjoy playing in a prison i guess :P

    7: You are right, we can do with advertising the rules a bit more, and as mentioned before this is planned for the near future.

    And as a reply to one of your previous posts in this thread: I do like it when people are actually taking lead, and i can say we have many of them on the server to name just 2 there is Conner and Apollo. It works very well for them and it will be for you too i'm sure of it. However do not expect other people to be exactly the same, This is still public server so you get all sorts of people here, not just people that have signed up for a particular game style (example: realism clan, or the likes)

    So expect to encounter followers, leaders, serious players, relaxed players that want a bit of weekend fun and even newbies....yes they also welcome here... :)

    So having that out of the way we can continue this thread on topic please. Above items can be discussed in their own threads if you like.



    Cross-post with brooksie. anyway you get the idea...


    2) The simple solution there would simply be Keep the map markers on the server you run, and not include the marker in the public release. Simple as that.


    3) I agree. If the pilot can listen and follow orders without being in teamspeak, more power to him. I see many ts3 only slots being lenient for such things.


    4) There are a few ways to do the rules. The most common is to place them under briefing in map. I'll post another quick suggestion for you in a moment concerning this.


    5) Obviously there will always be these guys. My thing is they need to stay in Alpha squad or something. When your playing all the way down in delta, and you're running with some guys, then some clown decides to pick Mechanic and NOT listen, Not respond, and lone wolf, I suddenly have a problem with him. This is a shoot game, and everyone fancies themselves rambo.


    I must be having a miscommunication here with you guys. My goal is to encourage and enlighten players, and try to get them with the program. I believe that 90% of the server would gladly go squad based AND still have a ton of fun if they knew how to do it. There will be lone wolfs, but even then the lone wolves would probably enjoy being Recon and communicate. If you can teach people, they'll play how arma and your server was ideally envisioned. I am guilty of not running with arma well until I joined taw, and started playing in their practices. I learned what weapon red meant, Different formations, Working with other teams. I'm having more fun playing arma than I ever have simply because I know these 3 things, and I know A LOT more than that.


    7) This is the arma community dude. It's the most welcoming and awesome community going. Of course newbies are welcome. Closed headed newbies are not (The ones who ask how to do something, and don't listen, then rage and rage). I expect everyone in the arma community to help new players, just as the veteran players have helped all of you, I'm sure. Arma is a great game, and can be played in as many ways as can be imagined since it's one of the only true sandbox games around. It's also one of the hardest games to play.

  6. We cant make that the case due to some members having hearing difficulties making it hard for them to use Teamspeak.


    How would you advertise the Teamspeak differently?  Our server reminds the players every so often that there is a Teamspeak and admins should be trying to get the plays to use Teamspeak where possible.


    Having (TS REQUIRED FOR THIS SLOT) next to the slot in question, having the IP listed on the map near base via perm marker (Ahoy Worlds TS is (IP) ALL Pilots and Squad Leaders are REQUIRED to be on it) Thats how we do it in Arma 2 dude. There's also no Introduction, rule set, or anything in the map.


    And again, I play public servers on arma 2, and have NO ISSUE getting organized WITHOUT Teamspeak using the SAME CHAT CHANNELS. The player community is not a pack of new players who have no concept of how to play in a squad. The admins kick you if you're being a lone wolf or being stupid, and that gets the message across. It all depends on how active your admins want to be and the rules you choose to enforce. At the moment, the only rule you choose to enforce is ... really... Well whatever the admin is in the mood for it seems.



    The rules should be under the Map Briefing, in different tabs. for example, Server Rules, Pilot Rules, Medic Rules, Chat rules, ETC ETC

  7. . Not necessarily listen, because in my opinion the pilot's in charge of his helicopter, and specifically where he lands. I've learned the hard way to ignore most pleas of 'please land at lz xyz' and stick to my trusted LZs because I get shot to hell when I come in for landing. Occasionally, if someone I know asks to be taken somewhere, I'll listen, but the majority of the time, good players will listen and stick with their pilot's choice, if its a decent pilot.


    It should be the Squad Leaders say where his squad lands. Obviously you as the pilot should be ignoring an idiot request, such as landing straight in the middle of Base of the enemy ao if it's not secured, but a leader should be able to Designate a safe LZ that's easy for the pilot to ingress and egress from. If said leader CAN'T, he shouldn't be squad leader.

  8. I like this setup on a closed server, and i would deffo try this in the Tactical gamenights Apollo is organizing :)


    However i think it will not work on public. But thats just my thoughts on this.


    It all comes back to enlightening the new players and setting up some gameplan rules. I haven't met many people who prefer to lone wolf it rather than work in a squad in my 2 odd years of arma (NOT COUNTING DAYZ. Thats not arma, and even in there you generally play with a friend or 2). Its much more gratifying to win together than to win alone.

  9. You have to realize that quite a few of the players are new to ARMA. If you prod them along, and simply kick the ones who don't listen (By kick i mean just a kick from the server, not a ban of any sort), you can easily establish this kind of environment. In arma 2 servers, I work in squads all the time without TS. You simply hop in, and someone is usually playing the leader or is willing to listen to you.


    Vanilla servers such as ahoy obviously are going to have a bit more of a challenge. Domination is a squad based game, Lone wolfing it makes it pretty hard to accomplish anything. The key to establishing a command base is simply getting a core group, and constantly spreading (and kicking) when necessary.


    The current problem I see is that noone wants to particularly make a group and take charge of it. As soon as I got on and started barking orders, All of a sudden Ive got a group under me, and the commanders of the other groups are also listening to me. Obviously we have Lone wolves even in that situation, simply because it was done out of the blue, but the fact remains it can be done pretty easily.


    So my answer to you is No. I do not expect 75% of the current Ahoy server to follow this. However if ahoy establishes a small force to start implementing this, you will see it happen in fairly short time.

  10. Just after a little chat with a few guys on teamspeak i thought this would be a suggestion to put forward.


    What about adding maybe 2-5 OPFOR player slots for say a small amount of (maybe ts only) guys to plant mines, traps and such like to cause the BLUEFOR more hassle and such like... Maybe include a system like the old ArmA2 Insurgency where they click on an opfor unit on map to spawn as them (to save AO moving hassle) and then from there they can move and position etc... They could go AT blow helicopters, hunters etc.. Plant mines, claymors etc.. 


    What do you guys think? 


    It would turn into a giant trolling fest probably.

  11. I personally do not agree with this. I understand what you are saying but there would be to many pilots. And quite frankly we dont need that many.  With 3-4 pilots that are able to communicate and actually do there jobs then it can work perfectly fine. I do think that 1-2 extra pilot slots should be added. And recently the Ahoy admins have been brought to attention the fact that in the US Server that allot of pilots arent doing there job. So now the admins are gonna be cracking down and making sure that they do there jobs and if they dont the admins will take appropriate action.


    The main idea of this is to promote team play, Which is non existent in the server. peopel do whatever they want and squads are spread throughout the map.


    Pilots atm as you said, do not listen, do not coordinate, or simply cannot fly. For 40 players, 3 littlebirds is sort of enough, 3 mid range transport helicopters would be much better, but this is not the point of my suggestion.


    You also just contradicted yourself... You said you don't think there should be more than 3 pilots, however you also said there should be 4 or 5 pilots.... I'm only asking to add 2 more pilots to the server... Having 2 pilots on standy will create nothing but drama, normally in the case of "Let me fly /cry/cry/cry" or "You suck at flying, I'm better, now let me fly /rage/rage/rage". 1 pilot per chopper.

  12. hold on there, i don't think blowing up a helicopter on purpose is ever something a pilot wants to do.


    IMO a pilot is a pilot, he wants to fly. it's up to squad leaders to arrange what transport the squad takes and where to rally if they're seperated. What would you do at the end of AO or side mission? escape>respawn


    it's a nice idea of togetherness but i think a pilot should be a pilot full time

    Moved my post brother, sorry :P


    In reply to you, I would say the pilot can do whatever he wants. I blow up my chopper if I bust it personally, but I do what oyu say, I simply fly and dont fight. As it is right now, I cant be bothered to scream for 30 minutes for a repair specialist to come help me.


    The pilot can choose to either roll with his team or keep flying, It would be personal choice. 7 members can move extremely effecient without the pilot.


    And As it is right now, you can't rally your team and get them into a chopper. Someone will ALWAYS be left behind because people do not utilize their medic, they respawn as soon as they die, the medics dont do their job, a new player just joins... There's so many reasons.... the biggest one being the stupid little bird can only hold 8 players including pilot.

  13. What this will Involve : Demolish the current pilot team, add a pilot to each squad, and remove the spots "Rifleman" and "Rifleman [AT]"


    The New Team Setup :


    Squad Leader


    Repair Sepcialist

    Explosive Specialist




    Vortex Pilot



    Why this suggestion? : The main idea for this setup is to promote the use of team gameplay, and hopefully get rid of the "lone wolf" garbage. Each pilot is responsible for his squad, and his squad alone. This will also give us 5 of each player, instead of 4, so 5 medics, 5 squad leaders, and so on. The pilot can then simply play as needed / wishes after landing... Either with his team when he lands, and blow up his helicopter, or he can choose to do nothing but fly. It would also eliminate the issue of teams being seperated since each littlebird can only hold 8 players in any case, and each squad consists of 9 players (GRANTED, most people don't listen and get together atm...). I also suggest keeping the teams limited to 8 is because a littlebird can only hold 8 players


    What I would expect this to help with is again, Raising team gameplay and helping solidify each role. It would also help eliminate the spammed "Side" and "Global" chats.


    Squad Name Suggestions if this is implemented : Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel... Or any other NATO names found

  14. I am Kingscuba, a member of TAW [the art of warfare].


    I am a fan of playing arma as a simulator, so I enjoy playing in an organized fashion, and not dying. I am also an advanced rotary pilot, along with a basic fixed wing pilot.


    The servers I currently enjoy playing are basically AW Invade + Annex US, and ACE in arma 2.

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