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Posts posted by wok

  1. Hello everyone, not sure if anyone remembers me. I haven't been here since almost exactly a year. Long story short, I went away from gaming because my dad got into a serious car accident. He was in a coma, after he came out of that, an infection messed one of his heart valves and he had to get an open heart surgery. Fortunately, he's ok now, still recovering but having a normal life.


    So now I have reinstalled most of my games and slowly coming back to playing. Yesterday I tried A3, hated the way weapons sway now, but after downloading the AW accepted mods it made the game much better, I had a great time on EU#1 (until a dumb hacker appeared, but admins took care of him).


    I am not sure if I will be playing a lot, my ping is quite bad, and I will be moving to a smaller town in the next months so I guess that will get worst, but I will be happy to contribute to the community in any way I can. I will start by updating my old vectorized logo thread, because the download links have expired. I lost the files when my hdd failed but I just downloaded Illustrator and created them again. Will use google drive this time so they wont expire.


    Can't wait to see how I&A 3 will be, have been checking some of rarek's posts and it looks like it's going to be amazing.


    Anyway, I'm glad to be here again :)


    See you guys in the battlefield (maybe?)

  2. I live in south america and bought my trakcIR on ebay, the seller was really cool, he even marked the package as gift and put a lower price on the papers so i paid less Custom taxes. This is the link where I bought it from, the shipping took some time but that was out of the seller or my control, other than that everything went perfect. Netherlands is in the shipping tab country list, so you should ask him he may ship it to your country.


    I also taped my trackclippro, is not even broken but it looks so weak and loose, the design is pretty bad.

  3. Well, I tried to cast it, I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track but I cannot seem to fix the error.

    Here's what I want... I want the program to check if the string value contains integers only so I can cast it to an int rather than a string as it starts off as a string.

    I think I'm on the right path but I keep getting this error I have no idea how to fix.


    NOTE: the bold text below is the addition in comparison to my previous code above.




    At first glance I can tell you that when you are calling isInteger you are using 2 parameters (value, value.length),  but where you define it, it only has one parameter. Also I think you are passing a String[] and in the definition the parameter is a String. I will try to take a deeper look at the code later if I get some time.




    I took a closer look, and in order to make it work you should modify the bubble_str() function, instead of comparing strings you need to compare ints, just replace this:



    if( Integer.parseInt( a[i-1] ) > Integer.parseInt( a[i] ) )

    I commented the isInteger thing to be able to compile the code. I tested it with the input numbers 111, 90, 12, 555, 3 and the output was 3, 12, 90, 111, 555. In order to make the isInteger thing work you probably would want to use it inside the loops on bubble_str(), something like:

    if( !isInteger( a[i] ) ) continue;

    But since you have 2 nested loops you probably need to use it once on each loop. There are many other ways to do this, you could check the user input to only accept ints so you show them some warning and dont accept their input when its not numbers only, you can cleanup the array before using it to generate one that only contains only ints, etc.

  4. I do agree that with such a big map sometimes it feels like there's no pilots flying even when the slots are all being used, but I am not sure if adding more slots will fix that, having good pilots that communicate a lot definitely does.


    Since we are talking about helos, I want to add that I think it would be great if the pawnee gets the copilot seat disabled or something. I just hate when a non-pilot player takes it to transport 1 player and then just breaks the chopper in the middle of nowhere.

  5. Hi there,


    I would like to create a campaign style map with bluefor starting at Molos AirlfieId and moving west to Kavala. Is it possible to make the AO main targets come in from east to west.

    _initialTargets = ["Molos","Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Charkia","Main Airbase","Neochori","Poliakko","Zaros","Kaval",];


    I would like to remove the Random aspect of the mission creation. I do understand how the markers placed in the editor relates to AO spawning, I just want them sequential.


    _initialTargets = ["Molos","Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Charkia","Main Airbase","Neochori","Poliakko","Zaros","Kaval",];



    Any help would be great!






    Not sure what code are you using but in the I&A code you will find this on init.sqf file:

    currentAO = _targets call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    I am not 100% sure but I think the I&A mission code remove the AO from the _targets array after it's completed so you could just use:

    currentAO = _targets select 0;

    So it will always select the first target from the array. once completed the target will be removed from the array, making what was the second element now the first one. So the targets get selected in order, not sure what happens once all the targets are completed, I guess they reset and the array gets filled with all the targets again.

  6. Hey guys, I bet there's a lot of new people since the last time I've been here. So hi everyone! I've been away from gaming for some time but now I am starting to come back, I've played a little of I&A on Altis and I am loving it, I didn't even know all the new vehicles and helis added so I have some stuff to learn. See you in the battlefield.

  7. EA SUCKS!
    I enjoyed Ubisoft presentation, I don't love their games but they are always pretty fun to play. I think Sony was pretty good too, final fantasy bring back memories from my childhood where I only had ps1 for gaming.
    Here is today's schedule:

    Tuesday, June 11th (all PST)

    12:00pm – Saints Row 4 (Volition Inc./Deep Silver)
    12:20pm – Dungeon Defenders 2 (Trendy Entertainment)
    12:40pm – The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (2K Games)
    1:00pm – Charlie Murder (Microsoft Studios)
    1:15pm – Ascend (Microsoft Studios)
    1:30pm – THIEF (Square Enix)
    1:45pm – MURDERED: SOUL SUSPECT (Square Enix)
    2:15pm – Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Ubisoft)
    2:30pm – TBA new content for GoW: Ascension (Sony PlayStation/Santa Monica Studio)
    3:00pm – Fantasia: Music Evolved! (Harmonix Music)
    3:15pm – TBA (Adult Swim Games)
    3:30pm – Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep DLC (2K Games)
    4:00pm – Super TIME Force (Microsoft Studios)
    4:15pm – Watch Dogs (Ubisoft)
    4:30pm – Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (ScrewAttack)
    5:00pm – TBA (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
    5:30pm – E3 Day Wrap Up w/Dennis Fong, CEO of Raptr
  8. http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_CncBarrier_F.jpg


    Those will not stop hunters and Ifrits, only ATV's


    This is what I had in mind:



    Leaving enough space for players to vault over it but not for cars, but it's just an idea anyway. There are other objects that could be used to fence the spawn area.


    oooh another idea, put up a warning sign, set velocity up and away from spawn... throw them out, muahahahaha


    Yea thats what I wanted to do, I didn't have much time to test it well yet, here's a sample mission to show the idea of using setVelocity: http://www.sendspace.com/file/7tuj52 Try to run over the friendly squad in front of where you spawn, the vehicle should "bounce" out and you wont be allowed to enter the area. But it only works on one direction, if you come from the other side you can pass by the trigger anyway. I will try to see how to use the vehicle direction to make it work on all sides of the trigger.


    I used _veh setVelocity [0,20,0]; to stop the vehicle, a value lower than 20 lets the vehicle pass, 20 seems to stop it no matter the vehicle speed. You should try putting 120 or some high value like that, the vehicle bounces back at like 500kmh, its pretty funny.

  9. It's awesome that aw servers have become so popular, we have met a lot of great people, but this also makes the servers a preferred target for immature players and script kiddies. Lately I have seen team killing problems on all aw servers every time I join. The main problem and the most annoying is people running over other players with cars on the spawn area.


    I've been thinking about a solution for this and I think there are a few options. The most obvious is just to barrier off the spawn area with sandbags and concrete fences (http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_CncBarrier_F.jpg I think these stop cars but players can still vault over them to get out).


    Another solution could be to just disable the car engine when entering the area, but that would also lock the car there and it wont be able to get out. I think setVelocity could be used to create an invisible fence that will not allow cars to get in. I will update this thread if I can get some code sample done.

  10. Welcome to the forum! And yea, today some of the servers had some problems with annoying team killers and scripters, but believe me it's not like that most of the time. And the server admins are awesome, most of the admins I know are jerks that abuse their power, but here they are just like any other player, they do a great job.


    See you in the battlefield.

  11. I am not 100% sure if I understand the problem, but I think the code is writing your converted image as filename.jpg and you want it to be filename.png. If that's the case, you could just do a string replace of .jpg to .png on the output filename, something like:

    File output = new File( current_dir.getAbsolutePath( ) + "\\" + file.getName( ).replace( ".jpg", ".png" ) ); 

    If your input images are in different formats other than jpg you would need a little more complex code to remove the filename extension and replace it for .png, you could remove the last 3 chars but .jpeg has 4 so that wont be a good solution. Another solution could be to just leave the original filename as is, and add ".png" at the end, so it wont matter what extension the original image has. For example, if you convert img005.jpg, you save it as img005.jpg.png. If you prefer to do that instead of replaceing .jpg for .png, use:

    File output = new File( current_dir.getAbsolutePath( ) + "\\" + file.getName( ).concat( ".png" ) );  
  12. Apologies there's been no official word on this so far.


    What we'll most probably be doing is keeping Ahoy+ as it is whilst pushing the donation side of things. Currently, purchasing Ahoy Coins is the only way (albeit a bit backwards) to donate to Ahoy World with a one-off payment. Seeing as Ahoy Coins don't do anything yet due to ArmA 3 Alpha instabilities, we'll close purchasing of those down and instead just put up a publicised area to donate however much you would like.


    :( dont close the ahoy coins purchase, i like having a lot of coins haha. I was thinking that instead of having packages of fixed amount of coins, you could let the user choose the amount of either coins or money and then he can make the purchase/donation of the amoutn he wants.

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