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Wargame: Red Dragon


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Hello boys and girls. Tomorrow I will most likely buy Wargame: Red Dragon. The game is an RTS and some people claim it's the most complicated RTS. If anyone has it please type here and if anyone is interested can check the game out and he can buy it. It's currently ~13 Euro with the whole franchise (a bundle) and we could play together. I think this can be an interesting new game to play as a community.

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Wargames direction in RTS is correct one, there is no base building, but players assembling their own custom army decks with units they choose.

Players are required to run logistics to the troops to keep frontlines and artilleries in supply of ammunition and repair. Downside of the game is queing

in lobbies when factions often get team stacked based on which has the best players, which results people insta-leaving lobbies as they see the unbalance.



(Sadly Eugen has decided to go back to square one and gone making C&C type RTS game, as if developers haven't beaten that dead horse enough already).

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