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Modding I&A - Help!

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Hey everyone, I'm a new ArmA server hoster! I had been playing a bunch on the 69th ID's I&A server for a while, got about 5-6 friends together and were having a blast. We decided that it would be cool to have our own "private server" to play around on, so I set about researching and getting everything setup.


I've got a virtual machine running the server software now, running the Stratis version of I&A. I've already done quite a bit of customization, changing out the AW imagery for my own, editing all the mentions of your TeamSpeak server ot reflect mine, etc... Don't worry, I'm leaving credit to AW in various places!


I've also adjusted the base layout a bit (why don't those hesco barricades actually line up according to their Editor images!?), added a Blackfoot spawn, added the ASOR Gear Selector script, and wanting to do some more things, but I have some questions!


First off, as the title says I'm trying to get the Simple Earplugs script working on my server. I've followed the instructions included, but the Earplugs aren't working as they do on the 69th ID server. On my server, the option is available to me when I first spawn to "put on earplugs" in my scroll-wheel menu. However, once I put them on, the option in the menu goes blank.. It's still there and toggleable, but it's "invisible". I only know it's there because I can scroll past any other items to an invisible item and hit spacebar and it will toggle the earplug functionality.


Any idea why this is happening or how I could fix it?


Additionally, a friend of mine reports that he doesn't have the option at all. Not even the "invisbile option" as I described above. Any ideas?

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I got all of the above questions answered! I ripped apart the 69th ID version of I&A to see how they had Earplugs setup and that gave me all the information I needed!


One thing I'm confused about though, and can't seem to find a decent tutorial on is the Zues "links" on the map. It appears that there's a bunch of Zues modules linked to specific player names or something like that? I assume this is something that allows for in-game "administration" using the Zeus module, kind of like a Game Master?


Also, does anyone have any suggestions on hardening server security to prevent "hackers" from taking over the mission and requiring a server restart?

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You seem to be implementing community-based addons/scripts. You will get more help on BI forums.


As for Zeus, ye, its something like that. Surely there is/are entry(ies) on BI Wiki page about Zeus and how to set it up.


Don`t want to sound harsh, but we can`t do everything for ya, you need to look into some of the stuff yourself, you`ll learn a lot by doing it like that. We mostly provide support for the basic/standard I&A mission version.

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  • 7 months later...



Me and my friends are playing on the I&A 2.83I Altis and we want to know if you can help with the Simple Earplugs.sqf. When I put it in the scripts folder and put the command in the ini.sqf then it shows up but everything breaks after that (Can't scroll etc) Please help and I just want to say good job, the mission is amazing.

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