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Adding extra side missions, and main AO's


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New spots for main objectives are easy, simply look at the existing array, add your own, then finally place a matching marker on the map. Just follow the style of the existing ones. Side missions however, are more complex. If you are savvy at scripting like good ol' Simmons (RvB reference for you there). You can make one, again following the existing examples.

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New spots for main objectives are easy, simply look at the existing array, add your own, then finally place a matching marker on the map. Just follow the style of the existing ones. Side missions however, are more complex. If you are savvy at scripting like good ol' Simmons (RvB reference for you there). You can make one, again following the existing examples.

Thank you very much for your reply's, i Dont mean to be a burden to you guys. I thought that if im asking then someone else will probably be wondering as-well. As i have been trying to search for stuff and not finding it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The side mission structure is designed for modular insertion of your own. When built there was expectation that communities would do just this, but sadly not many have taken the time to develop new side missions.



The structure is reasonably laid out for the side missions in the actual scripts. For the basic "go here and destroy something" type, here is a basic guide:


0. Select location for the mission. Could be completely random or have geographic requirements (IE repeaters on hilltops, boats near water, etc)


1. Create the objective and any set-pieces, any other non-critical structures and decorations.


2. Create some guards/security for the objective.


3. Brief the players ... hints, notifications, chat messages, map markers, etc.


4. Set some variables that you'll need. (pre loop)


5. Monitor the variables and wait. (this is the evaluation loop)


6. After the mission is done, depending on the variable it will be success or fail.


7. Depending on #6, de-brief the players accordingly using existing structures.


8. Clean up time. Wait a few minutes (5-10 is best) for the players to depart the area and then remove all traces of the fight, to save FPS for the next battle.






Some are more complicated than others, for instance the secureIntelX ones are slightly more complex, that just means there are more #4 and #5, with some behavior and logic scripted into the loop using common 'if then' structure.


For more complex ones, on a public server learning from experience, the briefing and player awareness of what they are supposed to do and where that is supposed to happen, is more important than I had previously thought. :)


Good luck and happy scripting.

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