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BattlEye and "Invade & Annex"

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Hello guys,


As you know after today's patch we have Battleye in stable branch.

Do you recommend me using the official BattlEye filters (created initially for dayz) - https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters

when running your "Invade & Annex" mission?


Will they cause some random player kicks when shooting with weapons, launchers, vehicle weapons, respawning/repairing etc. and do I need to edit these filters or use only some of them?





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As someone new to the Arma world and just getting into scripting, an answer to this would be so helpful. I'm thinking of testing this by going into each of those filters and deleting anything day_Z related and then trying it out.  But yes, if anyone is successfully running Battle Eye with 2.88, any input would be amazing.

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