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John McClane

John McClane

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Hello, i am John McClane, IDK if anyone has been able to see me in the server as i played for only about 2 hours tonight. But i loved the server so much i know im gonna be coming back quite a bit so i said hell, ill go hop on there forums.


About Me


I Live in Northern Michigan... Where the weather cant decide what it wants to do...


Im 17 Years old, i have a job with a family friend that owns a company that does Home remodling and construction.


Ive been playing arma pretty much since arma 1 came out. I think i got it maybe 2 months after it was released and ive been Hooked.


What Im Really Good At ( Ingame )

- Good with Communication And leadership.

- Great With Flying mainly because i have alloooootttt of practice in the editor and because i use a logitec G940 And TrackIR 5.  (But i will let you guys determine that  :)

- Im great with Medic/Heavy Machine Gunner (M249 Saw or in arma 3 the Mk 200)


What im Really good at out of game!


- Well i love working on websites, i have my own webhost that i use to just mess around with and practice, because i really have nobody that would want to hire a 17 year old to make/maintain a website lol.

- I love scripting, and im trying to teach myself on how to script in arma because ive been playing it for so long but never been able to contribute content and its something i would like to get in to. 



So thats it for now, if you guys have any questions just go ahead and ask. I will see you guys on the battlefield.

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