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Everything posted by Brooksie10

  1. I think there should be a server Wide announcement and maybe a Bonus to Production and Supplies on other continents for 30 mins (or longer) then the continent reopens and the buff is gone. Maybe they thought this would be too much of an advantage. However so be it. Imagine if a side could Cap the whole World! T'would be insane! Also NC can hit hard when they want to... but they apparently don't very often.
  2. Roger, I have haircut, then I should be free. See how it goes I guess
  3. Brilliant then No Switch back. Hey razgriz33 you around tonight to play?
  4. Looks good I am still comfortable with TR at the moment. What about you razgriz33, Rarek, Kyrie and everyone else
  5. Yeh that's the way the cookie crumbles. Money in your pocket makes it almost bearable though.
  6. Hey mate long time know updates!? Cant wait to see more this is really exciting stuff! Maybe your doing it for suspense!
  7. razgriz33 I think you'd be an excellent Squad leader with your Sunderer* Engineers are Exceptionally useful Especially if your going to fly or drive vehicles. I really am enjoying flying especially as the TR. My Liberator is getting so Sexy! So I think I am a Medic/ Engineer who uses the engineer when in vehicles and a medic when I am on the ground.
  8. Brooksie10

    Metro 2033

    Its a great game and seeing you being destroyed could be fun!
  9. Congratz shame that its not with new Conglomerate. We will see what they do.
  10. I thought we went NC because it was the most interesting back story I wanted to be Terran! Well I think if at the end of the month we are still getting steam rolled we will say good bye to miller and the Terran republic. There needs to be balancing soon.
  11. My sentiment exactly I feel like we really are the rebles. In tanks we seems to do fairly well its just in extended infantry engagements. Probably wanna come up with some new tactics like Guerrilla tactics operating in small tactical squads instead of Large engagements.
  12. Thanks Jack To think if we had of gone TR we would have had no issues an we would be playing happily all the time!
  13. Ah yes when in doubt the good people at reddit will always come to help. It does just seem to come down to the weapons then. Which is exactly how it feels in game. On the plus side this means it inst our faction members merely the tools they have. Hopefully wit some balancing we could possibly be the best factions after these hardships!
  14. It cant become to much more regulated than it is without losing the free aspect. I do think that the anonymity of the internet can be really scary and let people who would in normal society would have been found out and punished get away. But that would be a whole other topic. UK Pirate Party all the way
  15. Google are collecting names for a petition they will be submitting to a conference of world leaders regarding the future of the internet. Letting them know you support a free internet it really important, please follow the link https://www.google.com/takeaction/ z-lwA9GJ1e0
  16. Wow last night was... well a lot of time was spent looking at a progress bar. But once I was into the game it was great and fun bit laggy but that's to be expected. I was wondering if anyone wanted to be a leader. Someone with good communication because as you noticed many people were walking straight into enemy fire when we could have easily tried to Flank around. I like being a medic it kinda feels like a good fit for me, that or engineer. I think at least 2 of us should be Light Assault the Jet pack they have is an exceptionally effective piece of kit. I think if we have 1 of us go heavy assault and 1 person on Infiltrator. I mean I think we can be a really effective squad if we stick together and think and communicate.
  17. Heya there! If you wanted to check out any of the MC servers just ask! Hopefully get a chance to talk to you on TS!
  18. Keep it up Ferg, I think your artistic background is going to make what you produce something special in comparison to other games out there! I think animating using a skeleton of sorts will create much better animations than most upstart game makers.
  19. Thanks I noticed that and was like "whaa!?... well okay then"
  20. From this Friday (19th October 2012) we will not be using our Ahoy Minecraft Page on Facebook instead we use our "Community Organisation Page" for update news and events. http://www.facebook.com/ahoyworld Any issues you have from now on it would be really cool, great and all round awesome if you could use our Help and support page. http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/pages/helpme/ Why the Changes Well, during our last meeting we talked about all this stuff and we really wanted to consolidate our communication into one place. The website is a lovely place and a one stop shop for all your Ahoy World needs! Also this is where we "Staff Members" look for issues and problems and ideas that need to be discussed. It’s only by chance and good fortune that I discover the talks on the Facebook page. Sorry for the upheaval but this should mean that issues get solved so much quicker and you will know what’s coming and also hopefully we will get to know what you want a lot easier.
  21. No I was the Japs and I raped Sigapore and some other country.
  22. Hope we all get to play again later bring on the medival age. Maybe play a new game now you know the ropes without team maybe? See how we can do!
  23. Anyone who is a fan of the Company of Heroes series so far or any of the Real Time Stratergies made by Relic studios, should already know how exciting it is to be getting another instalment of this series. I just bought my pre-order on steam. The Company of Heroes series has given us a unique style of RTS commanding squads of infantry that can be specialised to be good at a variety of tasks by giving units grenades, flame throwers, morters or machine guns! Both the Axis and Allied forces are very fleshed out and have a great look at miltary tactics and equipment used by both sides. The cover system is very unique and gives you the tools and tactics to overcome it. Blindly sending waves of troops at a crater with a machine gunner will normally lead to your defeat how ever you can flank a bunker or get close enough to lob a grenade or two victory will be yours and you can move on. The huge issues I had with all the previous CoH games was the lack of the Soviet Army as a playable faction in CoH2 this is going to be made up. If you haven’t seen katyusha rockets barrages yet then you’re going to be in for a heck of a good time, nicknamed “Stalin Organ” because of the unique sounds the katusha rockets were fired in volley of as large as 48! Now we get the fun of unleashing that on Nazis whether they be played by a friend or the AI the destruction will be complete! The steam pre-order rewards are taking an approach I have certainly not seen before. The more people that pre-order the better and the more rewards there are. I think this is an interesting approach and something that if this works we will hopefully see more of in the future. So are any of you guys going to be playing CoH2? What are you looking forward to? Do you think that this “model” for pre-orders to be an effective one. If you have played any of the Company of Heores games what do you like about them? How do you like to play. I am a huge fan or Artillery and infantry supported by a sherman/ Panzer IV for a bit of fire power.
  24. I dont want to play in weather that is too cold. So if its before the end of december. But I will survive
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