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Posts posted by Expos

  1. Perhaps there is an Option to activate the Counter attack manually on a running Server when the admin sees the online Teams are skilled and organized?


    @BloodInTheSand: it should be a strong force.


    Defending a Position is a lot easier then trying to invade an AO.

    So I think it is ok to have a strong force attacking the AO.


    Perhaps with some delay so the remaining Forces can be reequiped and plan accordingly.

    (Mine the roads, set up mortars etc. )


    I think this would be possible on the open Server structure and Player base. If the attacking force succeeds, the Player just have to invade the same AO again.. :P



  2. We did that couple of times already on EU2 Tanoa.


    Carry 2 Prowler unarmed - stuff it with rockets and drop them near AO.

    another nice trick is:


    Take the Hummingbird, load it with Titans, put 4 AT-Specialists on the bench and violá: Your own Gunboat...

  3. I think this functionality is already implemented in I&A (at least in an earlier version)

    I noticed that on a different Server Hosting I&A and I think I saw the respective Settings when trying to get a Server running for a LAN a while back.


    I like the concept of that.

    I wonder why it isn't active on the Ahoyworld Servers.

    Perhaps one of the Devs can give a Little more insight to this...

  4. 15 hours ago, Kirk76 said:

    there has already been a thread on this. also, eu2 tanoa was greatly underplayd; i loved it, but there were no people playing it.



    Thanks to Colsta I now know where that thread is...

    (Didn't find it earlier - that's why I started this new one)


    As much as I wouldn't like that to be true, you are completely right.

    Tanoa doesn't receive as much love from the Players as it deserves...


    What do you think is the reason? The necessity for the DLC or is it something else?


  5. On ‎27‎.‎03‎.‎2017 at 7:03 PM, S0zi0p4th said:

    Why the Oh :) didnt you read the post fully 

    I did.. the "oh" was because i expect no one to go to EU4...

    Most Folks don't even know it exists....


    I don't know why - but in my Arma3Launcher only EU1 and EU2 appear and i suppose that might be the same with other Folks.


    But - hey! At least there is still one running and I will drag some Folks to it if EU1 or EU2 suck for any reason at that Moment.


    Having observed the spike in usage on EU2 your decision was completely justified.

    EU1 is often 60/60 and EU2 is a good Overflow for the otherwise "left behind" troops.. :)


    It's great to see the Ahoyworld Servers are doing so well since I don't use any other System then I&A for years now...


    Perhaps it's time for me to get more involved and do some regular ZEUS - Stuff on EU4 to Keep TANOA alive at all...


    Might I ask for your recommendation S0zi0p4th when applying as an admin?


    See you guys out there...

  6. Heyho,


    since I didn't find any existing threads regarding this topic, I start a new one:

    Is EU2 now permanently on ALTIS? 


    I really loved the I&A implementation on Tanoa so I was a little disappointed. 

    Not that the ALTIS - Version isn't great - I just like the diversity of Tanoa a lot better... 


    Or is the Tanoa-Version now running on a different server?


    Thanks for any Info!



  7. Hi there,


    i noticed that from this morning on EU2 is locked and set on PvP with no players on it...



    Found the reason on the PvP Game Night for members only.


    Since the Gamenight is over (i guess) is it possible to set it to I&A again?

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