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Image Comments posted by Ryko

    Attending physician


    If you want to discuss this further, I'd suggest moving to the I&A4 Beta Feedback thread as it's difficult to track comments on gallery images.


    Yours is a good idea, except I probably won't implement it on the public server (EU1) as the focus is getting into the action quickly.

    EU4 SAM.jpg


    Actually, it's just that the vehicle itself is extremely top heavy. If it spawns on any kind of gradient there is a big chance it will topple over. 

    Working as intended


    @D.Devilyes, this is exactly how it's coded. The units have a search and destroy waypoint in this case, and Arma has internal criteria which determine when that waypoint is satisfied (the AI has searched and destroyed as much as it wants to). When the waypoint is completed, they will return to their previous patrol route.


    Technically, the AO can complete if all the OPFOR leave the red circle, so it's theoretically possible to bait the OPFOR out of the zone, but there are generated squads which are specifically garrisoned, who won't be part of this awareness check (they're programmed to stay in the zone). So if you killed them off and baited the rest, you could minimize the bloodshed involved in clearing a zone.

    CUP's AH-1


    Your google search is incorrect. The AH-1 is the British designation for the American AH-64. You can tell it's British cos of the rounded rocket pods

    Comrade Ryko


    Interesting. If you set your face to "custom face" in the total arsenal, your face becomes the same as whoever is looking at you.


    In other words - there's no way I would knowingly use Numbnut's crazy red-yellow face.



    Yes, this was exceptional as I believe we were waiting for someone to return from being afk.


    That said I did whip up a script that should stack all the players on a server on each others' shoulders... Could make a god reddit video.

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