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Posts posted by Gurlanin

  1. On 2/19/2019 at 8:37 PM, Ryko said:

    Long term conceptual plan is to create a RHS / TFAR / ACE version of IA4 which can run on EU3.

    I've got to say that I much prefer the Stiletto style gameplay, with varying missions and maps. I&A has its place, and a modded version of it would be fun, but EU3 has always been that special something that has a little for everyone no matter what time of day it is, or how many people are playing.


    That being said, as a huge fan of tactical ops, if the current EU3 rules were enforced on this IA4 modded server then I can see it having a similar feel with people still needing to work together and the like. I know that I'd play it over EU1!

  2. Server has been consistently crashing after a few minutes all day today. Rather annoying when you finally make it somewhere, only for the server to go "nope, how dare you want to play!".


    Oh, and the liberate town mission on Lythium didn't spawn any enemies. I had a good look around whilst the server was up, made lots of noise in my Land Rover, and all I got was funny looks from the locals. Might be connected to the server crashing mahoohah (#blametheheadlessclient) or I simply might not have gotten far enough into the AO to find them.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Ryko said:

    So, congrats on sneaking up on an enemy soldier to the point that you could talk to him - that is tricky enough on its own. I am COMPLETELY not surprised that the enemy decided to attack you after you had finished the conversation, as he doesn't like you. 


    If there were enemy soldiers in a "friendly" zone then the zone was not in fact friendly...

    You don't seem to understand what I wrote:

    After I spoke with him and traded with him he put his weapon away. It was the random spawning of other enemy units that killed me, though all but one were unarmed. The area was also a very recent update from intel I'd just gotten, so there shouldn't have been any enemy around in the first place: let alone one that can summon a few spare troops at a moment's notice.

  4. So I snuck up on a soldier, because he was in the 'friendly' zone and I thought he might want a chat. Spoke to him, traded him some bandages (which he was quite happy with), so he put his weapon on his back, and then suddenly his mates start spawning in. On my location. They all immediately get their weapons taken off of them automatically ... except for one guy, who spawned facing me and promptly shot me repeatedly, even after I was on the floor from ACE injuries.


    I mean ... wut?

  5. I loved the game night. I thought it was a lot of fun, and though I didn't have much contact with the ground units directly, I thought the different elements of armour worked really well. Both Alpha and Bravo had a fully manned Bradley, and then there was us in Sledge 2 supporting both teams with the lovely heavy firepower.


    The major issue that we faced was being 1-hit killed (or the tank at least) out of thin-air, or, rather, from the air. No idea where the flip those enemy air units were, but they really wanted us dead. That was annoying as we had no way to defend ourselves.


    Another was having an indestructible helicopter at the enemy FOB. We put THREE tank shells into that thing, and then, a few minutes later when we were told to attack the FOB, it magically took off. That's a big no-no, in my opinion: if it's in game, it should be able to be destroyed, regardless of if you want to use it later as Zeus.


    Communication seemed to disappear mid-way through the AO, which led to a lot of "well what do we do now?" type questions being asked.


    Other than that, I, personally, didn't run into too many issues. I got stranded at one point, when my tank, commander, and gunner all got themselves killed, and did eventually make it back to the FOB, but then there was no reinsertion plan until poor leo took an MRAP and started ferrying people.

  6. 3 minutes ago, BenjaminHL said:

    Your role has been changed. But for future info please know that I posted this a courtesy, not something to be debated. 


    If you've done it to me, then I just wonder who else you've also done it for. Game Nights have always been done on a first come, first served, basis, with changes to rosters happening at the time of the event if needed. Don't try and make me out at the bad guy here, I'm just querying why you've done it differently to everyone else.

  7. 37 minutes ago, BenjaminHL said:

    @Hawkeye Sorry man, but we need to fill infantry before armor.


    There's already one person on his own in Hammer 3 ...


    By all means fill up infantry first on the night, if there aren't enough, but if there are spaces now for people's first or second choices, then why should someone else get the spot when they were here first?

  8. Just remember that this is still in Alpha. Quite impressive when you think about it as a WIP rather than a full game. It's not optimized yet, and they know it. All good things come to those who wait :P


    In case anyone wants to add me to their friends list, or stalk me in more places, my RSI Handle is: Gurlanin

  9. On 15/10/2016 at 6:23 PM, Phillipo Blendvigski said:

    I have the game. 

    I installed the game.

    I have shit internet.

    2 weeks later i play.

    1 day later update comes out.

    I need to redownload now. 


    Not sure when the new update is coming out, but I find that leaving it to install overnight works best.

  10. It's still a hell of a lot of fun right now, especially if you get multiple people together.


    My Org and I have a lot of ships, so if you do have it and want to try out some bigger ships, let me know. I'm usually up to fly.

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