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young wolf 211

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Everything posted by young wolf 211

  1. Not unknown anymore, signed up for Vic crew
  2. This'll sound stupid to most, but oh well I know there's a load of threads on the site about what base guns/launchers people should carry in the EU3 server, but after a quick check, I cant seem to find anything that goes into more detail about loadouts. I normally was just on the EU1 server, so as far as anything went for me, it was: lift a rifle, several mags, and a FAK, but since EU3 goes into more detail, I'm just wondering if there's a basic kit that I should carry at all times, e.g. number of morphine, number of mags, etc The main reason I'm asking, is that the loadout I normally used was provided to me by someone (sorry, but i forget your username atm), and from there I just saved it. One of the last few updates has stopped me from using the kit I saved, and I haven't a clue as to what I should carry. Thanks
  3. Hey all I'm just someone looking to join a good community, that plays good games, and plays properly. I've been playing ARMA for a goo while now, and hate being in games or squads where no-one communicates, so here I am. Outside of my gaming life, I'm a 19 year old media student in Belfast, and member of the Emerald Garrison Star Wars costuming group. If you've any questions for me, Do ask
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