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Posts posted by Lt_Col_Bodo

  1. On 6 juni 2016 at 1:45 AM, PiranhA said:


    yeah, ask zhe Germans on crete or the British on Arnhem.

    Maybe learn from the french forces in Dien Bien Phu for their experience in 1954.


    All paratroops add something to the fight but most of the time its more spectacular as it is effective...




    In Operation Marget Garden, the paratroops were effective and needed to secure the bridges fast. Which worked, also in Arnhem. The biggest problem with Arnhem was that the radio equipment didn't work, the bad weather prefented backup and supplies to be dropped and that the armored backup didn't arrived in time. Instead of holding the bridge for 48 hours they lasted 9 days. 


    As for Operation Overlord (d-day), the paratroups were really important for the success by taking out canons and mortergroups so the others could land on the beaches. 


    So yeah, paratroups are a vital part of a war when used correctly. 

  2. I always stream and upload without permission. But maybe it would be nice if AhoyWorld could make a youtube/stream pack with the ifficial logo in it, and maybe a intro video of a few second (1 or 2) with the ahoy world logo which we can use to promote the server?

  3. 6 hours ago, xSniper1982 said:

    TL:DR version -


    Full version -

    If there isn't a Repair Spec around, ask someone if they'd mind switching for a moment to help you out.
    It works, not everyone is selfish, some people are more than happy to change role for a few moments.

    As for it being quicker to demo a vehicle than repair it...
    Sorry to put it bluntly but, Bull....

    10min respawn timer - Vs. - 5mins moving a repair vehicle to the pad and back.

    once the Repair vehicle has been dropped off, the one that moved it is back in action... 2-3min.
    The Helis that just repaired from said vehicle, can then move it back to where it was, or just move it off the pad... 1-2min.


    The only issue comes when people refuse to leave their slot because;

    a. Someone else will take their slot. (Especially frustrating for UAV, Sniper, Pilot roles)

    b. They're really good with their current role and busy. (Usually Medics)

    c. Are a total douche. (Most likely in common slots but unwilling to help team)

    This is just another one of those situations that require a little effort from the Community, not just in doing these things themselves, but in showing OTHERS how to do it too.
    Leading by example, I hate giving up my Sniper/Pilot slots to deal with repairs etc, but I will, because even though someone else is going to take the spot the second I step out of it, and usually be bad at it, it's not about the individual but about the team.

    I know people want to find easy solutions to the problems of bad players/unfortunate situations, but the reality of it is simple...
    Take the time to teach others how to be a part of the Community and ASK for help... not just once, not just in your own group... but EVERYONE on the server.

    Can I get an AMEN for that ;-)

  4. Yeah the index button does what it says, it goes to the index of the website. What I ment was a button to go to the index of the forum. ;-)


    The text size oke, it's just that on a Mobile phone it is more user friendly when you get to the information quickly, and don't have to scroll a way down first. 

  5. One thing that is annoying me, is the count down till summer meeting. Maybe you can make the font smaller for mobile users, or better, hide it from the forum for mobile users. 


    I now have to scoll one page lenght on every page I visit. 


    Besides that, I think the forum improved a lot. Well done.


    edit: ohw one more thing I miss on mobile, is a button to go to the index of the forum ;-)

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