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Big Al

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Posts posted by Big Al

  1. Next week I am in Leeds, actually worse...Pudsey, then until the second week in October we are going back to the States for a visit with our folks. Hooray for the US of A! Popeye's this is your advance notice to order in extra chicken.


    Until then I am trusting you guys to water my 'tomato' plant and feed the goldfish.


    I expect that everything will be fixed by my return. Arma will contain F-35s, run at 300 FPS on ultra and Syria will be a emerging tourist destination.


    Know that I love you all equally.


    Ciao, BigAl.



  2. best of luck out there without us here to back you up on wearing Chinos or Jeans, anyhorse come back any time if you want to have a chat. (I'm assuming that people are agreeing with me and I won't get shanked in the back by Al and his big knife  ;)


    erm, what now?


    If I am going to shank somebody it will be in the sternum and I will be telling them why they are being shanked.

  3. Those would make two good systems and as a self-builder I would almost always prefer to self-build, but some people will not have the time or the patience.

    As an experiment I configured an (Dell) Alienware X51 gaming desktop to be almost identical to the cheaper of the two specs, but the X51 also comes with the newer i5 and Windows 7. The price came out at £749. So the extra £50 or £100 buys your legal copy of Windows and gives you a two year warranty and none of the hassle of self-build. You can always get Dell to knock of at least 10% of the cost of you call them and ask for a unique deal.


    On the other hand, I would guess that the X51 may not have all the opportunities for overclocking that the self-build would have, but then if you were an overclocker I doubt you would buy the X51 in the first place.

  4. At the gym tonight I wondered how they would emulate forward backward and rotational movement of the player. I imagine a cross trainer for your legs, but the rotational movement still eludes me. Remember how many times our mothers, gfs and wives have said "Playing games is bad for you, get out and exercise". Well in this new world we would be the fittest dudes around after running up and down the mountains of Stratis. :D


    Surely it would work better to run around in the real world with augmented reality goggles?


    There is an excellent novel by Charles Stross: Halting State about immersive augmented reality games, MMORPG game crime and espionage set in the near future. A must read for any hardcore gamer.

  5. This may be a simplistic idea, but as the script kiddies are executing scripts via a tool made by IN***AR. Would it not be possible for an admin to also execute that tool and use it to toggle off or mitigate the negative effect?


    From what I have seen on YouTube, the script kiddie simply clicks on a menu option to embugger the server in one of many ways.

    For example, the spawn point is moved to a random location by the script kiddie, so an admin uses the tool to move it back.


    I don't know if it would work, but it might be worth a look as an interim measure?


    Cheers, BigAl.

  6. This reminds me of those times when I was a kid and really wanted to go outside and ride my bicycle but couldn't because it was raining, just end up staring out the window angry at the weather. This time I want to stay inside and play PC games, but instead I'm staring at the monitor angry at some unknown losers sitting alone in a dark room somewhere. Times have changed man...

    You should have went outside and rode your bicycle while waiting for the DDos attack to end! :D :D :D

    (or was it also raining?) ;)

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