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  1. points counting algorithm: save when someone gets in your heli where you're pilot count possible points when soldiers gets out alive near another point rather than source point when your heli is near different point of point in pt.2 - script gives you counted points. so. you need transport squad and back alive. Paraclete - for some pilots it's a real challege to drop troops in safe zone and return to base alive.
  2. Hi there! Hope you're well! Just want to share small script that i made for ahoy world invade&annex to give some points to pilots for transporting fellows from base to mission spots 1. in aw_unitSetup.sqf we need to invoke this script for any Air unit: if ( _unit isKindOf "Air" ) then { _unit execVM "scripts\a3rc_PilotsPoints.sqf"; }; 2. script itself: /** points for pilots */ if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; //, "_countPoints", "_getClosestObjective" ]; PFP_count_players = 0.0; PFP_getins = []; // array of players getins //centerposition for distance coef PFP_max_distance = [0,0,0] distance getArray(configFile/"CfgWorlds"/worldName/"centerPosition"); // [_from, _srcObj, _to, _dstObj ] PFP_getPenalty = { private ["_from","_to","_srcObj","_dsstObj"]; _from = _this select 0; _to = _this select 1; _srcObj = _this select 2; _dstObj = _this select 3; //format ["PFP_getPenalty: dist1 %1, dist %2, penalty: %3", (_from distance _to), // (_srcObj distance _dstObj), (_from distance _to) / (_srcObj distance _dstObj) ] call BIS_fnc_log; (_from distance _to) / (_srcObj distance _dstObj) }; // argument - from PFP_getClosestObjective = { private ["_from", "_min_dist", "_objs", "_d"]; _from = _this; _min_dist = PFP_max_distance; _objs = [ markerPos "respawn_west" ]; // AHOY if (!isNil("currentAOUp")) then { if (currentAOUp) then {_objs set[ count _objs, getMarkerPos currentAO ];}; }; if (!isNil("priorityTargetUp")) then { if (priorityTargetUp) then { _objs set[ count _objs, markerPos "priorityMarker" ]; }; }; if (!isNil("sideMissionUp")) then { if (sideMissionUp) then { _objs set[ count _objs, getPos sideObj ]; }; }; { _d = _this distance _x; if ( _d < _min_dist ) then { _min_dist = _d; _from = _x }; } forEach _objs; //format ["from %1 closest is: %2", _this, _from ] call BIS_fnc_log; _from }; PFP_countPoints = { private ["_points", "_landedAtPos", "_filtered_getins"]; _landedAtPos = (position player) call PFP_getClosestObjective; _points = 0.0; _countGroup = 0; _filtered_getins = []; _remove = []; { _getInOutPos = (_x select 1) call PFP_getClosestObjective; if ( count _x > 2 && (_landedAtPos distance _getInOutPos) > 0 ) then { // && if ( (_x select 2) > 0 ) then { _points = _points + (_x select 2); }; _countGroup = _countGroup + 1; //_remove set [ count _remove, _x ]; } else { _filtered_getins set [count _filtered_getins, _x]; }; //format ["PFP_countPoints: x= %1, points =%2", _x, _points] call BIS_fnc_log; } forEach PFP_getins; PFP_getins =+ _filtered_getins; //format ["PFP_countPoints: points= %1, getins= %2", _points, PFP_getins] call BIS_fnc_log; [ round _points, _countGroup ] }; //Passed array: [vehicle, position, unit] PFP_heliOnGetIn = { // this player is on drive place if (driver (_this select 0) == player) then { // but player getin not me if ( _this select 2 != player ) then { _passageer = _this select 2; _idx = count PFP_getins; for "_i" from 0 to count PFP_getins step 1 do { if ( (PFP_getins select _i) select 0 == _passageer ) exitWith { _idx = _i; }; }; PFP_getins set[ _idx, [ _passageer, position _passageer ] ]; }; }; }; //Passed array: [vehicle, position, unit] PFP_heliOnGetOut = { private ["_destObj", "_srcObj", "_idx", "_from", "_points"]; // this player is on drive place if (driver (_this select 0) == player && alive player) then { if (_this select 2 != player && alive (_this select 2) ) then { _passageer = _this select 2; _isIn = { (_x select 0) == _passageer } count PFP_getins; if !(isIn) exitWith {}; _idx = []; { if ( (_x select 0 ) == _passageer ) exitWith { _idx = _x; }; } forEach PFP_getins; if ( count _idx == 0 ) exitWith {}; //format ["PFP_heliOnGetOut: _idx= %1, PFP_getins=%2", _idx, PFP_getins] call BIS_fnc_log; //PFP_getins = PFP_getins - _idx; //format ["PFP_heliOnGetOut: _idx= %1, PFP_getins=%2", _idx, PFP_getins] call BIS_fnc_log; _from = _idx select 1; // drop too close to load if ( _from distance (position player) <= 100 ) exitWith {}; _srcObj = _from call PFP_getClosestObjective; _destObj = (position player) call PFP_getClosestObjective; _penalty = [_from, position player, _srcObj, _destObj ] call PFP_getPenalty; /// 1 point for PFP_max_distance / 2. _points = (_srcObj distance _destObj) * _penalty * 2 / PFP_max_distance; //hint format["src->dst: %1, _penalty:%2, max: %3. points: %4", // (_srcObj distance _destObj), _penalty, PFP_max_distance, _points]; _idx set[ 1, position _passageer ]; //save dest _idx set[ count _idx, _points ]; // [ _passageer, position _passageer, _points ] //PFP_getins set[ count PFP_getins, _idx ]; //format ["PFP_heliOnGetOut: PFP_getins= %1", PFP_getins ] call BIS_fnc_log; }; }; }; //Passed array: [plane, airportID] PFP_heliOnLandedTouchDown = { if (driver (_this select 0) == player && alive player) then { _points = call PFP_countPoints; //format ["PFP_heliOnLandedTouchDown: points= %1, getins= %2", _points, PFP_getins] call BIS_fnc_log; if ( (_points select 0) > 0 ) then { addToScore = [player, (_points select 0)]; publicVariable "addToScore"; ["ScoreBonus", [format ["Transported group of %1 soldiers.", _points select 1], _points select 0]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; }; }; _this spawn { private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player && alive _unit}; _unit addEventHandler[ "GetIn", PFP_heliOnGetIn ]; _unit addEventHandler[ "GetOut", PFP_heliOnGetOut ]; //_unit addEventHandler[ "LandedTouchDown", PFP_heliOnLandedTouchDown ]; player addEventHandler[ "Respawn", { PFP_getins = []; } ]; while {true} do { sleep 10; if ( vehicle player != player ) then { [(vehicle player),0] call PFP_heliOnLandedTouchDown; }; }; }; (https://a3rc.googlecode.com/hg/scripts/a3rc_PilotsPoints.sqf) Hope this will be included to AW I&A.
  3. to avoid temporary useless variables: if ( count _men == 0 ) then { { { if ( typeOf _x in BTC_who_can_revive ) then { _men set [count _men, _x]; } } foreach crew _x; } foreach nearestObjects[ _pos, ["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "Helicopter", "Plane", "Ship"], 500 ]; };
  4. no, in fact i want that someone more familar with testing and running mission test it carefully also AllVehicles is quite wide class, maybe ["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "Helicopter", "Plane", "Ship"] would be more suitable.
  5. what about such patch diff --git a/=BTC=_revive/=BTC=_functions.sqf b/=BTC=_revive/=BTC=_functions.sqf index 12d93af..6c200c6 100644 --- a/=BTC=_revive/=BTC=_functions.sqf +++ b/=BTC=_revive/=BTC=_functions.sqf @@ -440,6 +440,16 @@ BTC_check_healer = _men = [];_dist = 501;_healer = objNull;_healers = []; _msg = "No medics nearby."; _men = nearestObjects [_pos, BTC_who_can_revive, 500]; + + if ( count _men == 0 ) then { + _vehs = []; + _vehs = nearestObjects[ _pos, ["AllVehicles"], 500 ]; + { { if ( typeOf _x in BTC_who_can_revive ) then { + _men set [count _men, _x]; + } } foreach crew _x; } foreach _vehs; + }; + + if (count _men > 0) then { {if (Alive _x && format ["%1",_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 0] != "1" && ([_x,player] call BTC_can_revive) && isPlayer _x && side _x == BTC_side) then {_healers = _healers + [_x];};} foreach _men;
  6. When you lay bleeding, there is a note at the right top of the screen about nearest medics when nearest medic in vehcile ("medic truck, ambulance") he doesn't count here.
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