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soldat ryan

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Posts posted by soldat ryan

  1. DAC despawns and spawns AIs when you leave the area or re-enter it. If you have modified the slots in anyway and renamed them, that could be it. You have to define units with their names (default= s1,s2,....,uavOperator). If they are not, the script will not recognize that some players re-entered the area and will not spawn AIs.


    The file defining that is find in missionname/DAC/DAC_Config_Creator.

    Yes, this is what i did it and it works good. ;)



    Do they actually leave the area or are they just not there?

    They are spawning, no problem about it, but they leave AO to move to the base (1st the vehicule and in second time infantery). This is this behavior which is not usual !  :huh:

    - Seems they stop moving to the base when players are on/near AO. (to confirm)

    - Joke mod : may be they are boring to wait players !! :P

  2. Hi Pero,

    Thanks for answer.

    I DL DAC yet to know how i could modify it but i did nothing on it.

    I do not use any mod and i do not modify in depth the mission (only some scripts added for players but not for IA)

    Can you check on Ahoy Servers if it is the same ? (if you have time of course ! :) )

    Because if IA leave AO objective it become easiest to take AO

    (just need to destroy the tower then it is over because all IA -or almost all- are outside the red marker)

    Best regards.

  3. Hi,

    i m running I&A since a while now. I customize the mission for my group and our tastes.

    But since the arma update, i notice the IA from AO have got a strange behavior.

    They are moving outside the main to go to the base.

    I never see it before may be because the change i have made neutralize this behavior. But i m not sure. :)

    Is it a normal behavior for IA (mission made like this) or it occur since arma update (V1.42) ?

    Mission version used is 2.82


  4. Gametracker is broken after the last update as the switch from gamespy to steam. Try remote connect: Direct IP:

    Port: 2302


    Gametracker is not broken anymore, they solved the problem.

    Check these posts :




    Notice : If you are doing nothing before monday your servers will be deleted from gametracker.



  5. SCUBA missions would be hard to implement particularly on the AI side because the effective underwater range of the SDAR is only 4-6 meters.The AI would start shooting at you from considerably farther out than that. 

    SCUBA missions was implemented yet in previous version (red exclamation mark on sea) and currently substitute by Urban side mission ! :)


    Option to be able to play Uban AND Scuba mission should be good.

    After, players are free to play one or other side or not. B)



  6. Hi Archangel and AW's


    I m talking for [NGBC]s, I regret to inform you we have to decline the invitation.

    We will not participate to the race. :(


    Anyway, thank you very much for the invitation, and i wish you a big fun for the event ! :P


    Best regards

  7. Tis strange that it happens. Health and safety above me has a point but it is fun to do. you have to co-ordinate with each other so you don't al jump out at exactly the same time. that's what kills you.

     Well, the last time they tried, they were only 3 volunteers ^_^ to jump and they all died because they could't open their parachute. The message telling them they could not use it because they are not pilot. Yes, 2 of them jump almost at the same time but the third jump few sec after them. So, I may be wrong, but i don't think it is a problem of coordination.


    Another problem is, is lots of parachuting causing the server box itself to crash. i think 4 people is ok though, not sure.

    Yes, I also met server crash with Alpha, but it was solved with beta and release if i m right.

    The server do not crash because of parachute since a while now.


    (Thanks for the answers)



  8. Hi mates,


    It seems the parachute is available only for pilots.

    When poeple are dropped from heli, they are crashing, and not flying !!

    A message tell them "you have to be pilot to fly". (someting like that)


    There is a way to resolve it.

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