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In-game name when banned: Duffyman

Why do you think you were banned? For bullying

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Because this hole thing happen i bulled a certain player and forced him to leave ahoyworld and i have never even spoken him or even said anything negative or abusive to him

Which administrator banned you (if known): Plant-1ng

When were you banned: 01/06/2016

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I expected a longer post after a couple of days between the ban and the appeal. I heard you were actually busy poking other members to fill this in for you or to talk to Staff about YOUR ban appeal. You have sent me that "generic" message as well via Steam and I`ve replied, saying you need to create a ban appeal. You saw you won`t achieve anything with me, you went to others.


I am not seeing any regret for your actions and we all know this has happend.


I am giving you another chance to come straight and face a shortened penalty, if not, the ban will stay as it is.

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In-game name when banned: Duffyman

Why do you think you were banned? For bullying

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?  Because it is said that I bullied a certain player till he was forced to leave ahoy world, even if I do not know that player nor have I said negative or abusive to him.
It is true that I spoken to some staff and member about the ban because I didn't know what was happening.
The truth is I was calling "Dreams" a "fetus" for being a incompetent ASL.
"Reece" joined in and started calling said player that left a "fetus" too after I was forced to leave the server due to problems with my headset." Reece" joined in and started calling said player that left a "fetus" too after I was forced to leave the server due to problems with my headset. Also say you would like to say sorry for calling dreams a fetus, and to said players that might have thought it was aimed towards them

Which administrator banned you (if known): Plant-1ng

When were you banned: 01/06/2016

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I see you`ve decide to step forward and admit it.


At first we thought that you have bullied a new player on EU3, in the end we were able to confirm it was someone else. Still, you have called him names, something you`ve done in the past already.


The ban will be reverted from a permanent to the orignal 1 week ban. But this is your last and only chance to behave. Next time something like this happens, its a permanent one.



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