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I'm pretty sure I was banned for making a few sarcastic and kinda rude jokes towards another user as he suggested I stopped swearing after asking if any air units would be put in play for me, in an AA jet, to "fuck up/get fucked up by", so I said I would stop "fucking" swearing then, as a joke but then was banned for a week.

Don't really care if my ban is lifted, I just wanted to apologise to John McClane for acting like an immature idiot and... yeah

John McClane banned me, but like I said, I just want to apologise to him.

I was banned on Thursday the 7th of April for 1 week.




TendererMold (Tom)

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Please follow the proper ban appeal procedure. Found at http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/2656-ban-appeal-procedure-read-before-posting/

All right, I guess I'm gonna delete this post as I'm not really appealing the ban, I know you were justified, I just wanted to apologise and wasn't sure where to say that.


Again, apologise,


TendererMold (Tom)

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