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I got tricked to join..


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by Silverminken.


So, an introduction huh? Man, I stink at those :/


Anyways, I am a long-long-long-time gamer, been at it about 29-30 years now. I started playing MC during beta, a little over 2 years ago, if memory serves, and while I havent really played it alot or done any astonishing things in it, I keep coming back to it for a little bit every now and then. Currently I am running a semi-private slightly modded version of FTB Unleashed for me and my brother. 


Outside of MC? I play alot of different games, but usually only 1, maybe 2 different, games at once, until I get kinnda bored, then I switch. Sometimes that takes a few hours, sometimes it takes several months. I am heavily skewed towards coop multiplayer games, so MMO PvE (lastly SWTOR), Minecraft, etc, and not a big fan of competitive multiplayer.



As I said, not very good at writing these kinds of introductions, so if there is anything you want to know, ask.




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Got tricked? pfft..  I just pointed you into this general direction... I remember that I explicitly told you that you did not need to register just to try our minecraft server.



Well I have been a bit lazy at reading other parts of the forum that is not Vanilla Minecraft.  or perhaps just a really poor excuse for the slow response ;)

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