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JGStonedRaider popping in :D


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Hi guys, I'd like to say I have played the A3 dev build on your I&A servers the past few days and had some fantastic fun on there. Generally the players are a really good bunch and I have been staying up until daybreak playing (sad IKR).


Had my best A3 games last night with a really good crew. Preywaits, GrumpyGamer, Torres, Bangstaples and others were great team mates and we almost had 3 squads coordinating together, well apart from the random idiot teamkillers (samanthta / trevon martin) that joined.


Anyway, I shall be on again later, steam name is JGStonedRaider but you may have to search for societysdead (I was 16 at the time ok and it seems I hadn't heard of spelling).


Looking forward to getting some games in with you all :D





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