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[bug] Players Glitching as passengers collide with helicopter rotors

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Hi all,


This is my first post and I'd just like to say first of all "Hi!" to everyone and also to say how much I enjoy playing on Invade & Annex on the EU servers, and have done for a long time now!


But there's one thing that really affects my enjoyment and although I've labelled this as a bug I'm pretty sure it's not just on the I&A servers at ahoyworld. But please admins, let me post this here to get the attention it deserves, for all our sanity...


Ever noticed on a full passenger loaded heli how many players glitch outside and randomly jump up and down as you fly? yeh, me too. And when they slam eventually into the rotors, it's a firey death guaranteed for everybody on board.


As everyone on the ahoy servers are constantly talking about this glitch I just assumed that it's being dealt with by those nice BI peeps.


Sp today i checked on the BI forum to find out when it's fixed.






Out of how many hundreds, thousands? This is bizzare. It's an absolute show stopper yet nobody is even noticing it's there!


Could I please ask everybody who sees this post and knows exactly what I'm talking about (that's at least 39 other peeps I play with on a packed server!) go and register on BI's bug reporting system NOW using that link and vote this baby up to get it the attention it deserves!


Thanks very much and see you online soon!



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@Thanks R. Berezon! Hopefully some of the guys on here have made a difference too - I've been getting quite evangelistic every time we get the heli glitch on ahoyworld and asking people to vote up too - it's one of these things where everybody *thinks* something is being done but actually it's bottom of the pile :( When I found the report it had been relegated to "cosmetic" and now after asking nicely it's back to where it belongs as "Physics", we have someone assigned and I'm sure all these extra votes are helping too... I really love this game and I would love it so much more if this ever got fixed. Thanks for the support too as I wasn't sure if this was the right place to post but I think given the timeframe we need to make sure this gets picked up properly by BI, so please anybody else reading this it's still not too late to make a difference and VOTE it up - it's free and easy and you know it's the right thing to do :)

@Porkpye, I agree it *is* funny the first time you see it, true.. but after the nth time it just gets so soul destroying to see 15+ people wiped out by bad physics, again and again :(

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p.s. those UAV's and UGV's in the dev build are sexy :-)

Damn! Yes they are... I really feel like I'm really getting my money's worth with this SIM even though it's stil in beta - it's not simply a *game*, it's a lot more than that... fingers crossed on the assignment for this bug and pls keep voting this topic up on the site peeps :)



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  • 1 month later...

Can I ask all of you commenting on this thread to please make sure, if you haven't already, to add these observations and thoughts, and also vote up on BI's bug reporting system. It only takes a second to register and post, and your vote WILL make a difference to how quickly BI sorts this out. Thanks everybody and see you on a AW server sometime! :)



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