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[Website suggestion] About Us Section



Hi Everyone, 

You've probably met me in hanging around in the Arma servers,sharing terrible jokes and showing off my amazing skills (I may not be good at this game, but I am very very bad!). Took the plunge and subscribed to Ahoy+ as I'm really enjoying my time with the great community that you've built up and the people who work everyday to keep it fun.

Since my time here and from talking to people like Raz, BigAl, Hoax, Liabilities and many, many others I think I've gleamed somewhat of a picture of who and what Ahoyworld is. But what would you think of an 'about us' section on the front page? Like a short paragraph just explaining what it is that Ahoyworld is. Then maybe a page with a who's who and what we do page with details of the organisation and people behind it all.

Just a suggestion to help people get a better understanding of what goes on and the effort that you all put in to making it happen.

Keep up the amazing work.

See you all soon.


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We did have one of these on the original site. A similar idea was planned that would show all current Core Staff and Administrators along with a brief piece of info about the place.


This will definitely happen when I have time. :D Other than that, thanks for subscribing, zissou. :)

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