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Hello! (Again)


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Ahoy fellow members!


It's been some time since I've been able to play AhoyWorld, and recently popped back on to the server, so thought I'd hop back onto the forums and introduce myself...again!


The name's Dusty, 24 years old and from the UK! My career doesn't always allow me a lot of time for gaming nowadays, but when I can, I'm on AhoyWorld again!🤟


I've been playing AhoyWorld since 2015 (or 2016, can't 100% remember) and still to this day really enjoy my time on this server and within this community! You'll usually find me running around (or walking due to Arma 3 Stamina) with some AT Missiles, taking out those pesky Tigris/Gorgons! If I'm not though, I'm usually in a more marksmanship type role!


I look forward to meeting some new members on the servers, and maybe even run into some old names and faces!


God Speed, and Good Hunting!



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