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Sponsors of Ahoy World


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A few of you may have noticed that we now have a "SPONSOR" notice. First off, don't panic. These aren't annoying random adverts - they are carefully controlled to help keep Ahoy World going.

Thanks to our partnership with Fullscreen, we're also allowed to involve ourselves with select promotions and sponsorships. The current sponsor, Dormtainment, indirectly sponsors us by paying $0.10 for every unique click on that advert. Here's an important note:

Fullscreen provide these promotions and these links and it is our choice to involve ourselves. These links will NEVER point anywhere you wouldn't want to go. They will point to either a YouTube page or a SAFE, TRUSTED WEBSITE.

Point being, neither Ahoy World nor Fullscreen will throw evil links at you. Ever. Ergo seeing as we get 10 cents for every unique click (maybe even more depending on the specific promotion), I invite you all to have a bash and click the new adverts. It's like a free donation of $0.10, and you don't have to pay.

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