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Posts posted by Guard81

  1. Quick update. Bro-Nation have it up and running now on their testing/events server.


    It is mostly functional, but side missions will need expanding and so will the progression FOBs. PBO attached if anyone wants a look.


    I am aware that the arsenal could do with more restriction on the launchers and the OPFOR needs Communist Poland forces adding, but so far it's good enough for army work.


  2. So far so good. Script-kiddie handler appears to be flagging enhanced movement, unfortunately.


    Also, I think the Vortex pilots aren't working with our ATGM helos at the moment. - EDIT: Have found the section that needs to be tweaked. fn_restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck.sqf - I need to add the relevant gunship to "private _isGunship = (
        (_vehicle isKindOf "Heli_Attack_01_base_F") ||"


    Any idea where I can look at a fix for either of those, please?

  3. Okay, that little hiatus didn't last. Darn brain weasels.

    • Have added AOs to the West German side of the boarder.
    • Have moved main base to West Germany so we don't start off on the wrong side of the barriers, etc.
    • Have added "splash", but this will require some additional work later on. It'll do for now.
    • Main AO completion count reset.

    On my "to do" list.

    • GMPACT.sqf needs a review. I can't see why it would be spawning less than a full squad per unit listed.
    • Arsenal appears to be unable to see the AT and AA launchers. All of which should be accessible to LAT and HAT troops.
    • HAT troops should also have access to the ATGM deployable static/backpack.
    • Main base needs expanding slightly, and proper decoration. Assets at the moment are fairly minimal.
    • Secondary FOBs need to be added and queued up.


  4. Added the following to garrison spawner, Building Array:


            // Weferlingen buildings

  5. Thanks again, I can't really emphasise how much I appreciate you going through all this.


    I have updated the default loadouts for each class, and added garrison buildings to Functions/AI/fn_main_ao_garrison_spawner.sqf 


    I can't find the Garrison Building Array right now, but I'll have another look later this week and the AO's are going to be easy enough to add over time.


    I'll post an update soon.

  6. Thanks Cakes. :) I'm working my way through the files as best I can.


    At the moment, it doesn't looks like the arsenal is allowing items correctly on spawn, but that might be me setting the squads up wrongly. Or it could be something with running it locally.

  7. Hi folks. I've been working on converting I&A over to Global Mobilization, but the more I do the bigger the project has become.


    Does anyone have a checklist of things I need to alter? I know it was done from vanilla to Vietnam (Sog PF), so it can be done.


    Main tripping points for me at the moment is the BLUFOR arsenal and the AO's. The latter is just time and coding, TBH, but the arsenal and class loadouts has me stumped. Any advice would be most welcome.


    Attached are the three files I've been working on lately.


    - Fenton

    GM I&A Arsenal GM Update to Ina_Config.hpp I&A Faction PACT GC

  8. I've had a bit of fun with this mode and the DLC so far. Would AhoyWorld be willing to dust off one of the servers for this?


    If so, I would also like to keep the rules and restrictions similar to the I&A mode for now, please. It's still new content and I'm not sure how buggy it could be.

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