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Everything posted by Ace1stCav

  1. My thoughts regarding Armor squad in the latest version: I understand that it is supposed to promote cooperation, but armor squad gameplay depends too much on good composition of squad if it can operate only one armored vehicle. One "bad" squad member can ruin whole squad. Starting from sitting in armored vehicle and doing nothing (squad can´t take another) to just be not so "good player" (e.g. driving directly in the middle of AO to be immediately blasted by AT or plain wasting of ammo (why are people not using Editor if they just want to shoot like crazy on everything around from vehicle?)). Playing with complete vehicle crew is great, but I don’t think it can be forced (at least not on public server). Would it be possible to limit armor squad to only one MBT or IFV (to prevent AO being overrun by friendly armor) but at least allow it to have additional Panther (which is anyway slow, weakly armored and poorly armed vehicle)? I would suggest to allow maybe even two IFV as transport, but since people are almost never using it for transport (for some reason they prefer ride 1km to next fresh AO with chopper to be shot down by spawned AA), it is no need for that. (I know that Slammer can also transport soldiers, but thats even more rare event than with IFV). TL;DR: Please don´t limit armor squad to only one armored vehicle.
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