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Everything posted by TheRealDeal

  1. I have been making a little project in the eden editor i im trying to create a ORBAT (use this if you dont know what it is https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ORBAT_Viewer) This is what i have so far, i have been getting a error saying "[BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams] Class not found". I really cant figure it out description.ext.txt
  2. Ahoy Barton welcome to Ahoy world. Me being me i want to say Hi, i cant wait to see you on the battlefield! -TheRealDeal
  3. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/766023024296208832/612DEF7502D2BFCB5D3207375B917F23A32F3AB7/ This is how to catch a ride
  4. I know i have been playing ahoy world for a while now but i never properly introduced my self so hi, I am TheRealDeal and i like to play on Enhanced, Eu1 and i also like to hangout in the teamspeak (i know it is short introduction but its something)
  5. When i have been playing EU1 i have noticed that the AO spawn really close together and i find it point less being a pilot and the ao is next to base and people take hunters and tanks over to the ao giving the pilots nothing to do. I wish for it to be 5 klicks apart giving the pilots something to do Thank you for reading my suggestion -TheRealDeal
  6. Hello welcome to the community we wish you the best of times on Eu1, 2, 4 and 5 also maybe Ahoy world enhanced! Hope to see you there
  7. - Nickname in game: TheRealDeal - UID: 76561198159159996 - Squad-name: AhoyWorld Members - Remark\quote: Teamwork is essential it gives them someone else to shoot at.
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