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Posts posted by Scruffman

  1. Here's a video of the incident I was involved in:



    In my defense it was an honest mistake. We were taking fire from the left-hand side and I attempted to suppress. Just thought Lad happened to be an enemy because he was in the general area that the fire was coming from at the time and I also didn't receive any radio comms of anyone announcing their approach to the Ural (Which was under fire from other A2 members).


    I even said in the chopper during extraction that if someone could tell Lad I was sorry it'd be appreciated as I had no way of contacting him. 

  2. This is a really minor thing but I think it'd help people keep track of all the latest events or discussions.


    At the bottom of the forum there's an area that displays latest threads, but it only does so for threads posted in the I&A Development section. I think it'd be easier to keep track of "current events" if it displayed latest threads from ALL sections instead (or 5 most common sections at the least).


    You could also replace the "Latest Jobs" section with something else as it doesn't seem like the latest jobs section is updated frequently / used very often.

  3. Hi there. I'm Lou. I'm 20 years old and I live in the UK.


    I was first introduced to the ArmA series in December of 2012 when I was browsing the bargain bin of my local GAME store and stumbled upon 'ArmA II: Combined Operations'. I remember thinking "Huh, this looks pretty cool, I'll give it a shot" so I bought it because it was ridiculously cheap at the time.


    Little did I know that I had just purchased one of the best multiplayer military shooters in existence. I've been hooked ever since.


    I prefer to play in a more tactical and organized fashion when it comes to ArmA which is why I've been enjoying EU2 so far but I'm hoping to get involved with EU3 soon. I usually play as an autorifleman or grenadier, but whenever a group of friends and I play on EU2 (usually 2 or 3 of us) we prefer to act as crewmen in an armored vehicle.


    My main hobbies include playing video games with friends, listening to music and watching films. I also enjoy collecting vinyls and I have a relatively small collection so far.

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