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Posts posted by Scat

  1. Hm...

    About 2: One time i got muted right after we got out the chopper and another time right in the middle of battle with me being right next to my ftl.A couple other times happened exactly what u described.Maeby i was just too frustrated to understand whats going on but i ll check it out again


    4 to 8 : Gotcha, that clarifies everything hah


    9:First time i joined with acre not working right had 15ppl on ts speaking simultaneously so i know what u are talking about , but thats not the case.Fixed that issue and that number came down to 4 or 5 which is still kinda annoying.Guess i just have to step up my game and get used to it.

    Icy , reading selective parts of dyslexcis guide and watching lotsa vids about varius team stuff was one of the first things i did even before i decided to purchase.
    But since EU1 and 2 and various other public servers do not promote that kind of game play it was kinda a waste of time to try play like those guides/vids described.

    Thanks a lot for your answers gentlmen!

  2. Fresh Arma 3 guy.
    No prior experience with the this game series or any of its mods.

    Eu3 wise:


    1-Should the game be launched via launcher or Arma3Sync?
    (TS guy told me to use Arma3Sync although launcher seems to be working aswell for me)


    2-Why do i randomly get muted on TS?
    3-Or almost every1 else gets muted on TS and everytime i unmuted someone he got muted again within 1-2 seconds?

    4-Radio channels.1 for Alpha,2 for bravo, 3 for charlie right?Obviusly as a basic soldier and not as a FTL or SL.

    5-Two push to talk buttons.one for VoN , one for TS.

    What do u use to communicate with each other,as in responding/asking in Squad, and when in general is the proper time to use each one?


    6-When should one use the Group or vehicle chat?Or how do u speak to som1 not in your team who is next to you?Am i blind or there is no direct chat there?


    7-Since we use radios , assume the following scenario.

    Short range radio is used,channel for Alpha team.U are 1-1-4.U are in a chopper.How do u speak to the pilot?


    8-How do u 'read' the map?Most of the times i have no idea where am i or where my fireteam mates are or even where other teams are.


    9-Why do i almost constantly listen to so many people speaking together , one over another?How am i supposed to make sense of what is being asked from me or whats going on?First time i joined had ts and arma running as a regular user so ARCE was not working properly.Thats not the case i am talking about.


    Dont get me wrong.I m not complaining here.Just trying to understand what is wrong because of wrong mod settings and what is lack of experience on my side.



    Edit 1: Added server info.

  3. And by beginners i mean people that have never used any arma 3 mods again like me and/or its their first days in Arma 3.

    I will try to provide some instructions on basic stuff that got me confused in the beginning.


    So , the procedure to join and enjoy EU3 is :

    -Register in the forums.
    -Activate the account in your email.

    -Follow THIS GUIDE to download all the mods u need to play in EU3.

    -Once you are done , close ts3 and arma 3.
    -Set Ts3 and Arma 3 run as administrator.

    -Open ts3 , Go to Settings->Plugin Options.Select ACRE2 and click settings.Max out the sound volume.
    -Close ts3.

    -Read the rules.
    -Read the rules Again.

    -Read these to get a generic idea of how things work:

    -Open Ts3 and Arma 3 (as admin).
    -Join EU3 in a basic kit like Rifleman or Assistant rifleman.

    Windows key + Control opens the interactions menu.
    Use the earplugs when there is chopper noise.

    Control+Alt+Caps brings up the Radio.
    On the top of your radio u will see the Antenna on the left, the radio channel button in the middle and the volume control on the right.
    Use Left and Right mouse buttons to switch between channels and volume.
    You should be on your squads channel by default.
    If not , open up your map and zoom out.
    You will see the channels for each squad marked there.


    Use the Radio (Arma 3 VoN feature , CAPS LOCK) to communicate with your team.
    Use the TS3 Button for Direct communication aka those who are nearby.
    If i am not mistaken voice will fade out the more away you get from your mates.
    Hills,trees,valleys etc will affect the Radio Signal and your Voice volume.

    When people die or are out of hearing range, they get muted .

    Keep in mind that  TS3 Push to Talk  button and Arma 3 one should be different.Arma 3 default key is CAPS LOCK.

    Escape -> configure -> controls and on almost bottom right u will see an option saying "configure addons".
    This is where your mods keybindings are located.

    In the middle bottom of your screen u will  see a new interface.
    Thats the ShackTac.There u can see your squad mates in relation to you.
    Each circle represents a different distance.Look this out.
    Oh and the one shown there with the diagonal line is your Squad Leader.

    Thats all i can think for now.
    At some point i will update it with more info on map reading etc.
    Feel free to post more tips - instructions in the comments and i will update the post.

    Edit 1: Added a few info about ACRE the Radio addon

  4. Hey ya all.

    Not much 2 say about meh.
    Just looking for casual tactical-ish game experience while i am trying to figure things out.

    Gotta admit i got really frustrated in the beggining of my arma 3 experience because the things i saw online had nothing to do with my real game experiences.'till i found eu3 ofc ;D

    And thats all for now!
    See ya arround

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