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Posts posted by Werzion

  1. Maybe it would be a possibility to add a side mission or second AO just for heavy vehicles and tanks?

    (or a EU #4 server with focus on vechiles gameplay, but guess thats way to much to ask for hehe)


    But using them on EU #1 and EU #2 will sadly more destory the gameplay for all other players :/

  2. One thing that needs to stop is pilots getting to close and to high near an AO.


    A majority of my deaths are because of this stupidity...


    I mark out a good LZ with a hill as cover (a.k.a. I put the LZ on the other side of the hill), never the less a majority of the pilots fly either so high that the hill doesnt work as cover from all the artillery, tanks and AA-infantry in the AO, and/or tries to land ON the hill or the AO-side of the hill...



    I know the pilot-slots are "public property", but god damn this annoys me as hell.  :angry:



    *EDIT* I vote court-martial on that shit! :D



    And to end with something positive, today (on EU #2) I got alot of good assistance and rides from the pilots, putting AT-missiles in the heli-inventory and meeting me up far outside the AO to hand 'em over. Awesome!  :wub:




    *EDIT 2*

    Old but forever golden!


  3. Just returned from playing two hours on EU #1.

    Some things I noticed that seperate them a little.


    1) EU #1 has third person view, that has been disabled on EU #2 just a few days ago.


    2.1) There were ALOT of players.


    2.2) It was little to none teamwork or communication that I could notice on EU #1. All were just one giant Zerg-horde rushing the main AO over and over again (with success never the less...)



    Maybe I just had a bad luck this evening, but EU #2 sure all hell feel more serious.

  4. 30 years old swede and part time Marksman within the Swedish Armed Forces (with a PSG90, a.k.a. Arctic Warfare).


    Playing Arma 3 since 2013, been on and loved the Ahoyworld #1 and #2 all since I found them the first time, about a year or so. Just had a long period where I was tired of gaming at large, but recently got a real desire to start level up the gaming, mainly Arma, and with joining server #3 for more serious/coordinated gaming.


    Mostly play as MMG or AT, also got a little extra love for UAV and Helicopters but doesnt take those slots on the servers, I still suck to much as pilot for that hehe


    See ya on the battlefield!

  5. I've just watched a majority of the stream on Twitch (I had to work this morning, so wasn't able to join the game last night)


    Was awesome to just watch it all pan out, looked real fun and professional most of the part. Would love to be able to join up next time


    A thought of feedback; would it be possible to give the teams more info and time before the match, so SL (and the rest) can plan out approaches and defence and so on more. (more time = an hour or even a day, so everyone is more up to date on things)

    Just a thought, I don't know it people felt that they had time to make out a great plan, or if it was to much "chaos" and stressful gaming.


    Anyway, two thumbs up from me Luetin, keep it up :)





    02:13:00 on the stream and about 30-60 seconds forward, OMG! Brutal :D

    (Heli taking out a landed heli and troops with both missiles and minigun)





    Add another pilot, good choice, maybe even with "rules" that one is for Little Bird to insert "spec ops" and/or scout info while the other is for transporting troops and/or vehicles.


    Maybe add a (unarmed) drone? Maybe with or without another pilot/Little Bird. To let the intelligense input becomes a more major part.


    And this is maybe more a choice for the team more then the Zeus/admin - but have a player to stay at base and "just" order and arrange the rest of the team. Maybe fly with the Little Bird (far up in the sky and FAR AWAY from AO, to collect info and coordinate the team).




    *EDIT 2*


    And oh yeah, would it be possible to start earlier in the future?

    Most people should be home and ready two hours earlier, instead of having to wait so long and play althrough the night instead of evening to maybe around 2-3am?

    (Just a thought/question, if most people like the 00:00 - 05:00 time more, then I wont fight for a 22:00 - 03:00 time, but at the moment I think that would feel and be better)


    */EDIT 2*





    Like "Mission 01" but let both teams defend and attack. Split up the teams and let ~6-8 people defend a town and the rest of the team attack the other teams town (secure and bring home a hostage or so). Winners are the ones to first grab the hostage and get him back to base.

    (Could be possible to have both team start and stop at the same camp, going for two different towns with approx. the same distance, but might be easier to have seperate camps as usual and seperate towns)


    The add/twist with this is that it becomes a "race" against each other, not "just" against a clock

    First back to base with the hostage wins!

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