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Posts posted by Hannibal

  1. I leave my apologies having to leave last minute with hardly any notification! :[

    I had some personal issues occur, to which I still am dealing with, with that I may not be around for a while.


    Again, sorry for letting Delta and the rest of the team down this morning! :[

  2. Thank you for the clarification there David. :]

    Much appreciated, I've seen the CTRG [british] uniforms show up fine right from release, but the AAF uniforms still show up as undies. But like you said before, they come from their own faction, where as I think CTRG uniforms fall under the same as BLUFOR/NATO with the U.S MTP, so that makes sense.


    Thank you for the response! 

  3. Awesome! I remember flicking through the shots quickly through the 'SITREP' that was posted through Steam not long ago.

    I really do hope that they make the update ready for tomorrow, as said, knowing it wont be many changes or overhauls, I feel the smaller things that are being gradually added to keep Arma III going for the time being, curious to see what DLC's they are planning like they did for Arma II.


    I'm diggin' the primary research on the landmarks too there, it'd be interesting to see before and after shots of the locations once the update arrives. :]

  4. Morning/Afternoon/Evening all!


    My name here is Hannibal, an I am more or less always using the Arma 3 Invade and Annex servers [EU] nowadays. Considering it's been the only Arma 3 server I ever play on, so I'm usually in one spot. :]

    I joined up here at Ahoy, at least two or three months ago, but never really got involved with anything or had the time to really get on. So, if anything consider this is a late and frantic 'Hello', more than an introduction itself, but hey-ho. 


    Feeling a lot more settled now, I'd like to get a bit more involved with this community, especially those who play Arma 3, which is the real cause to why I joined in the first place!


    I hope to meet and greet some of you on the battlefield.

    Happy hunting! 

  5. Hi,

    Out of curiosity with the new campaign update dropping on Halloween, which will included the British CTRG [Combat Technology Research Group] uniform, will they be included within the Virtual Ammo Box to be worn and seen by others as they are a part of the NATO forces stationed with the U.S MTP and AAF, within the AW Invade & Annex servers? 


    The reason I ask, is at this current time I have noticed when other people chose to wear the AAF uniform, it only registers as underwear. I'm not sure if this has already been addressed, but after some time it does tend to lose it's humorous factor when seeing half-naked men wearing full body-vests.


    Thank you. 


    P.S: I know this is more of a question than a topic, but otherwise, how does everyone else feel of certain missing uniforms in game, if they have any at all?


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