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Ingame Name: Chryseus

Why do you think you were banned?: Lobby idling I assume

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?: I got kicked twice I think on different dates because I went to grab a drink while ArmA 3 loaded like I usually do, this can't have been more than 2 to 3 minutes, I didn't know lobby idling for a short period was against the rules otherwise I would have got a drink before launching ArmA 3, I promise I will not do it again.

Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only): zissou I think

When were you banned?: today or yesterday.

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This ban will be reduced to one day on the understanding that if you are caught breaking the rules again the punishment will be much harsher.<br />Knowing and playing according to the rules is your responsibility whether or not you did or didn't know is beside the point.

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