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Crash after 5 min on server


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Im using the bitttorrent mod that you guys have provided and everything was working fine but now when ever i log into the server i get this message pop up "Cannot load texture mpmission\co45_aw_invade_&_annex_2_67c.altis\signs\awflag.jpg." I click close get into the game and about 5-10 min in i CTD. This may be nothing to do wth you guys but your expertise would be welcome on trying to fix this as i have no clue. Thanks

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Haven't seen this,

and it shouldn't CTD you'd only see a black / grey texture on the flagpole instead of the AW logo 


maybe the flag or sign texture got changed but is still reference in the mission file somewhere


maybe your pc didn't download the mission correctly and dropped the texture file somewhere


you could try removing the saved pbo from your pc and re-download the mission, see if it changes anything


go to C:\Users\(*username*)\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache and delete the mission pbo 

co45_AW_Invade_&_Annex_2_67c.Altis.pbo or whatever version it is then go back into game join the server to re- download the file


check the .rpt file C:\Users\(*username*)\AppData\Local\Arma 3 

something like arma3_2014-02-24_21-14-52.rpt open it in notepad usually the last lines of it tell you what crashed or can point to what caused the crash 

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