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Posts posted by Dizkonnekted

  1. Hello @Lindi


    Thank you for taking the time to look at this. Indeed there was no coordinated advertisement / recruitment attempt, just a simple error in communication from me (a new player to arma 3 and an even newer player on the ahoy servers). In fact I would even say this thread has more views than I have had time on your serverr playing the game!! 🤣 (coming up on 30 views in less than 15 hrs).

    Seriously though, I did look at the rules, (thank you for the link), but mishaps do happen sadly and I thought the near instant ban without any warning was a bit harsh. (I wasnt even in a public channel at the time).  I was not given a chance to "defend" myself to the admin in question and had to come sign up to your website just to appeal something that could have been sorted in 5 mins.

    All that said I understand you need to keep advertisement and especially recruitment attempts out of the server(s).


    Thanks again for the help
    P.S. I just checked in game if I could connect, ban is still in effect! -.-'

  2. In-game name when banned: Dizkonnekted


    What message displays when you attempt to connect? Batteye admin ban for advertising


    Why do you think you were banned? I made an honest mistake posting a link to my discord instead of my discord profile.


    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? I was in group chat at the time adding some friends I had just met that day and played with. It was not a deliberate / intentional rule break, we added each other on steam and then discord, which can also be seen from the chat logs.


    Which administrator banned you (if known): chicken_no6


    When were you banned: 13/2/2021 at roughly 23:00h (11pm)


    What server were you banned from? ARMA3 EU1/2

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