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Everything posted by Maulkin

  1. Definitely hard to satisfy everyone. I understand your point completely. And I try to adapt this situation by flying only littlebirds and over 5-10 meters from the ground and by using the terrain etc. But there are places where the terrain is completely flat, (ie eastern side of the map) and tigrises hitting you through a tick line of trees, which is very frustuating but it's arma's problem. kman's idea is very vise though I give him that. And I want to further suggest delaying enemy CAS choppers/jets even more. It would add a flavor of immersion like if they are requesting air support.
  2. No, problem is not solved. Try some empathy. You cant just land a heli two times to a place that is roughly 2km away from new AO. I'm not saying they should spawn on the other side of the island, but not in the same grid either. There is a little chaos going on in server if you checked recently, where choppers are blowing up most of the time shot by ground AA and jets/helos. Some pilots simply refusing to provide EVAC for this reason and the guys on ground have to run all the way to the new AO. Not everyone brings hunter because they are limited in FOB.
  3. Hello there, I want to address something really annoying by vast majority players who play in invade and annex eu server. The newly spawned AOs are usually spawns relatively close to the old AO. It is too close and very dangerous for any Evac op (lots of antiair and gunships) and it is rather far away to just run there on foot. (about 2-3 km) This is very annoying. I hope there is better solution to this issue.
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