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Everything posted by Venom

  1. Venom

    FOB improvement

    Thank you Stan and other AW crew. This will mean alot to manny active players on the servers!
  2. Venom

    FOB improvement

    hey patrick, somebody told me, something like that could give issues with the Fob spawns, but im not sure if he ment the same thing, thats why i mentioned the Hemmt trucks.
  3. Hi, i would like to talk to you about the current situations with FOB's, specialy Guardian. In my opinion and from manny others, Fob Guardian is currently the most used / most important FOB we can unlock. It acts as main hub For pilots and foottroops alike because of its central location. The problem The issue on this FOB is that, you dont realy have anny means to rearm vehicles. There is a fuel truck but thats about it. As i do like to play mostly side missions the distances i drive is quite Huge, and i make full use of the hunters machinegun and Titan launcher i mostly bring. But having to drive back to main base for a refill of its machinegun ammunition is very time consuming, especialy when you drive a slower vehicle like a Apc, or tank. And here is what a FOB should take care of. Since the FOB should be used as the *new* base. Solution So to get to the point, it would be great if there could be a static HMMT ammo and perhaps repair spawn on Guardian. Now i see you thinking, wouldnt infantry just take those and use it as cheap transport? What if we use those concrete blocks that shape the mainbase, and make a U patern where the HMMT ammo spawns in. This way it can't be driven forward or backward because its blocked by the concrete blocks, but you can still use the opening to rearm your vehicles.
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