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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. I noticed that the latest DragonFyre bikey was added on the servers, anyways thanks for the info about the status for the other bikeys.
  2. I started playing a couple of days ago without any mods. When I found out that you are allowed to use some specific mods, I began downloading them manually (yes, the long way to install mods ). When I had some problems with mods, I installed Arma3Sync and used the autoconfig and noticed that some mods are outdated. So here is a list of the mods that can be updated for the normal servers: Blastcore Tracers (latest: A3 - Update 10) CCIP (latest: v0.4a) DragonFyre (latest: 2.5 - Build 1.1) ShackTac HUD (latest: st_ui_140808) When I was at it, I also checked for updates for the modded server: Panthera (latest: 3.36) ShackTac HUD (latest: st_ui_140808) This is just a informational post to let the staff know that there are new updates for their modpacks. I also want to ask to support DynaSound (Armaholic - BI Forums) as some people are beginning to use this new sound mod.
  3. Well the title of the post says friday, so you can join on friday 29th 23:30 GMT.
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