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Posts posted by Waskey-Wabit

  1. Hey guys, just wondering how peeps are finding the new 3d editor? Has been long time coming that`s for sure but i think its been worth the wait so far and its safe to say i`am having fun with it. lot faster at making missions  and being able to put more detail into them(without lots of scripts) or painfully placing objects then going back and forth till your happy its is going to make for some fun times. look forward to playing with it more to see what can come up with. 


  2. Hey Folks, I enjoyed Friday night was good to play along side you guys but saying that it was bit frustrating due to the fact our team leader was not in comm`s with us did not help one bit and mainly peeps doing there own thing and not listening. i feel things would run better for everyone if peeps would just chill and not be like a bunch of school girls .. i love good team play and PVP nights could be epic at that. hopefully it gets sorted as with anything might just take bit time get right i guess. see you all on the battlefield :) 

  3. Evening and Hello....would like to start by saying love playing on AhoyWorld servers you guys do an amazing job running it all. i have been on and off for the last year but have been a fan of Arma series since the OP flashpoint days and is one of my Fave games. i enjoy tactical game play and good team mates that work towards the final goal and have played with some good guys on the servers.  im normally on eu1 and 2. and look forward to playing on eu3 once sort all my downloads out. look forward to seeing you all on the front line ;) oh and i fancy myself as bit of a combat pilot....few hrs spent in the air. That being said nothing like being on the ground with bullets winging past your head and getting stuck in to the fight....

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