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Everything posted by Narodon

  1. Ok thanks so theres a new problem now: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/358402530968800457/C7ADC761B609D8ECABE02C236C5F11F872FE048C/
  2. So my ban was lifted a few days ago I had some time to play arma again and installed all the mods for EU3, tried to join, still banned Can you do something about it?
  3. Narodon


    @Zis/Zissou Why dont you tell me your side of the story?
  4. Narodon


    How was i supposed to know?
  5. Narodon


    EU1 Ingame Name*: Narodon Why do you think you were banned?:Telling a teamkiller who at least killed 4 people and at least destroyed 1 hunter hmg to "go kill himself" Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: it was "only" a teamkiller, he pissed off a lot of people by killing them, i pissed of him (probably, maybe he hasnt read it) and i get straight banned (No kick, No admin warning, just directly a ban) BTW The admin banned me BEFORE doing anything against the teamkiller Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Zis When were you banned?*: maybe 20minutes ago TS Ingame Name*: Narodon Why do you think you were banned?: Im not so sure read it yourself: https://gyazo.com/12e76513b512d636200b23672b10c57f https://gyazo.com/bdffcf87011bda20da13120ba8e1ce1c Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: he didnt care at all about it, and again he didnt kick me, he didnt tell me to apologize or anything, he didnt give me a reason. Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Zissou When were you banned?*: maybe 10minutes ago
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