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Posts posted by RizlaUK

  1. Hi,


    If we wanted to tweak the amount of damage it takes to kill somebody outright, so they are downed more often than killed. Would it be as simple as changing the values at the top of fn_handleDamage.sqf


    private _maxSafeDamage = getMissionConfigValue ["derp_revive_maxSafeDamage", 0.95];
    private _downedDamageTreshold = getMissionConfigValue ["derp_revive_downedDamageTreshold", 1.5];
    private _damageReturned = 0;


    I know it's not as realistic, but we are finding it's hard to encourage people to play as Medic classes on the server. More often than not people die and have to respawn. If we could make it the opposite of how it is now, so we are downed most of the time and killed outright every so often, i think that would be better.


    Can anybody help with this one please?


    Thanks a lot.



  2. Hi,


    I'm trying to tweak your excellent Invade & Annex mission a little, to suit our server. A few people have attempted this request but they haven't been able to do it. What i want to achieve is this;


    1. During the Attack part of the mission, we have a threshold of 10 remaining Opfor (when we hit this threshold it should start a 5 min timer, if we don't kill the 10 remaining Opfor it goes to Defend after 5 mins; if we kill them it cuts the timer short and goes to Defend on the death of the last Opfor). This would prevent the boring situation of finding the stubborn last 10 and also prevent the situation of if we kill them before 10 mins, having to wait around.


    2. During the Defend part of the mission the same behaviour as above, last 10 starts a 5 min timer etc. But, if the Opfor wipe out all the Bluefor from the AO, we then get a hint stating, "Opfor have re-taken the area, you have 5 mins to get back into the AO or the objective is lost!" A 5 minute countdown is activated which allows Bluefor to respawn, rearm and get back into the AO. If they don't, then it's a Failed Defend, hint, load next AO.


    At the minute, with what has been tried already, the Attack never turns to a Defend, even though we have it set to 60% chance of Defend. Also, when the Attack gets to the threshold of the last 10, it just instantly completes the AO.


    Here is the code, hopefully somebody can spot or suggest how to get this going.


    Thanks a lot.




    	Jester [AW] & Quiksilver
    Last modified: 
    	16/04/2014 by QS
    	When AO is complete, a chance that OPFOR will counterattack.
    	Create AO detection trigger
    	At end of sequence, count WEST.
    	if (WEST < 1) exitWith {lost};
    	if (WEST > 0) exitWith (held);
    	Also, APCs spawned with EOS do not engage for whatever reason
    private ["_pos","_rad","_survivors","_type","_dt"];
    sleep 1;
    if(random 1 >= 0.35) then {
    		_defendMessages = [
    		"OPFOR Forces incoming! Seek cover immediately and defend the objective area!",
    		"The enemy managed to call in reinforcements! Form a perimeter around the objective area!"
    	_targetStartText = format [
    		"<t align='center' size='2.2'>Defend Target</t><br/><t size='1.5' align='center' color='#0d4e8f'>%1</t><br/>____________________<br/>We have a problem. The enemy managed to call in reinforcements. They are on the way to take back the last target. CaFo HQ have airdropped you resupplies, defend the objective at all costs!",
    	execVM "scripts\misc\supplycrates\supply_drop_defend.sqf";
    	[_targetStartText] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalHint",0,false];
    	["NewMainDefend", currentAO] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalNotification",0,false];
    	{_x setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos currentAO);} forEach ["aoCircle_2","aoMarker_2"];
    	"aoMarker_2" setMarkerText format["Defend %1",currentAO];
    	sleep 10;
    	//publicVariable "refreshMarkers";
    	publicVariable "currentAO";
    	currentAOUp = true;
    	radioTowerAlive = false;
    	_playersOnlineHint = format [
    		"<t size='1.5' align='left' color='#C92626'>Enemy attacking %1!</t><br/><br/>____________________<br/>Get ready boys they are almost here!", currentAO
    	_defendTimer1 = 480;			// 480
    	_defendTimer2 = random 120;		// 120
    	//_defendTimer1 = 5;			// 480	
    	//_defendTimer2 = random 10;		// 120
    	[_playersOnlineHint] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalHint",0,false];
    	sleep 160;
    	hqSideChat = _defendMessages call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    	[hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false];
    	_type = [1,2,3];
    	_selectedType = _type select (floor (random (count _type)));
    	if (_selectedType == 1) then {
    		null = [["aoCircle_2"],[5,5],[3,2],[0],[1,0],[0,0,EAST],[0,2,420,FALSE,true]] call Bastion_Spawn;
    	if (_selectedType == 2) then {
    		null = [["aoCircle_2"],[4,5],[3,2],[0],[2,5],[0,0,EAST],[0,2,420,FALSE,true]] call Bastion_Spawn;
    	if (_selectedType == 3) then {
    		null = [["aoCircle_2"],[5,5],[3,2],[3],[1,0],[0,0,EAST],[0,2,420,FALSE,true]] call Bastion_Spawn;
    	hqSideChat = "Thermal images show the bastards are at the perimeter of the AO!";
    	[hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false];
    	sleep 5;
    	hqSideChat = "";
    	[hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false];
    	//sleep _defendTimer1;
    	hqSideChat = "";
    	[hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false];
    	//sleep _defendTimer2;
    	//Lets add a check to make sure all OPFOR units are killed.
    	_PositionCheck = getMarkerPos currentAO;
    	//Start a loop to check if units are alive or not
    	_AttackContinue = true;
    	_BluforPresentInitially = false;
    	_DefenseTimer = 0;
    	While {_AttackContinue} do
    		_OpforUnitList = [];
    		_BluforUnitList = [];
    		{if (side _x IsEqualTo EAST) then {_OpforUnitList pushback _x}; } forEach allUnits;
    		{if (side _x IsEqualTo WEST) then {_BluforUnitList pushback _x}; } forEach allUnits;
    		//If the opfor unit is more than 1000 M. away. Do not consider him apart of the town assault.
    			if (_x distance _PositionCheck > 1000) then {_OpforUnitList = _OpforUnitList - [_x];};
    		} foreach _OpforUnitList;
    		if (count _OpforUnitList < 10) then {_AttackContinue = false;};
    		//If the blufor unit is more than 1000 M. away, we will not consider him a part of the town defense.
    			if (_x distance _PositionCheck > 1000) then {_BluforUnitList = _BluforUnitList - [_x];};
    		} foreach _BluforUnitList;	
    		if !(_BluforPresentInitially) then
    			if (count _BluforUnitList > 0) then {_BluforPresentInitially = true};
    			if (count _BluforUnitList < 1) then {_DefenseTimer = _DefenseTimer + 5} else {_DefenseTimer = 0};
    			hqSideChat = format ["Blufor has %1 seconds left to return to the town!",300 - _DefenseTimer];
    			[hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false];			
    			if (_DefenseTimer >= 300 && count _opforunitlist < 10) then {_AttackContinue = false;};
    		//Check every 5 seconds
    		sleep 5;
    	if (_DefenseTimer >= 300 && count _opforunitlist < 10) then
    		_targetEndText = format [
    			"<t align='center' size='2.2'>Failed Defend! </t><br/><t size='1.5' align='center' color='#C92626'>%1</t><br/>____________________<br/>The assault has ended and the Opfor has retaken the objective. Try harder next time!",
    		[_targetEndText] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalHint",0,false];
    		[["aoCircle_2"]] call EOS_deactivate;	
    		_targetEndText = format [
    			"<t align='center' size='2.2'>Successful Defended! </t><br/><t size='1.5' align='center' color='#0d4e8f'>%1</t><br/>____________________<br/>The assault has ended and we've sent them packing - well done!",
    		[_targetEndText] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalHint",0,false];
    		spawn QS_fnc_AOdelete;
    		[["aoCircle_2"]] call EOS_deactivate;	
       //----------------------------------------------------- MAINTENANCE
    	_aoClean = [] execVM "scripts\misc\clearItemsAO.sqf";
    	waitUntil {
    		scriptDone _aoClean
    	sleep 20;
  3. It`s nothing we have done, they might have done that in CBA, not sure.


    VAS is an old script, not being kept up-to-date by the author. I would suggest using Arsenal instead.

    Ok, but how do you add your mags and stuff in Arsenal and it doesn't seem to let you load your saved loadouts' or am i doing something wrong there?





  4. Actually I should be finished with one tomorrow already. Where should I send it to? Should I just talk to you guys on TS?

    I am actually gonna try to do this tomorrow, as I have found a way to give AI waypoints, which should make them able to follow a predesignated path. Still, it will need testing, and a lot of it, but I will stil try to do it ;) Maybe it works, who knows? ^^


    Can i get a copy of your new side mission and i'll test it for you too?





  5. Thanks for the reply Pedro.


    To be clear, if i change the default values from this:


    #define INF_TYPE "OIA_InfSentry","OIA_InfSquad","OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AA","OIA_InfTeam_AT","OI_reconPatrol","OI_reconSentry","OI_reconTeam"
    #define MRAP_TYPE "O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"


    To this:

    #define INF_TYPE "OIA_InfSentry","OIA_InfSquad","OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AT","OI_reconPatrol","OI_reconSentry","OI_reconTeam"
    #define MRAP_TYPE "O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"

     The behaviour this should display is, removing an AA squad and adding an armed Offroad vehicle. Do i need to change anything else?


    Kind regards



  6. Hi,


    I'm trying to edit the default units that spawn in for the Attack and Defend part of the mission. I&A looks like it uses EOS to carry out the spawning for this but in the 'openme.sqf' in the EOS folder the array that allows you to change the spawn compositions is commented out. Do i have to edit this somewhere else or is it as simple as uncommenting and tweaking to my liking?


    Kind regards



  7. player setCustomAimCoef 0.35;    // Sets sway on respawn
    player addeventhandler ["respawn", {player setCustomAimCoef 0.35;}];


    Put in the server init.sqf, and tweak the value 0.35 to your liking - 1 being full sway.





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