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Posts posted by darkstar1426

  1. So you say thats normal? I dont want to argue but "abuse" isnt the right word, high extent of use would be the one. :D I mean I was using that on a FSX military community where I had to fly helis quite a lot, meaning that the rudder was used a LOT.

    But this on the other hand is worth the £175. Thats my opinion.



  2. Hi

    I personally think that I act a bit like a cheapscate compared to some people (the ones that own the Thrustmaster Warthog)...anyway I say that because I run the, as some people call it, "plastic ripoff of the Warthog", the Saitek X55 Rhino. I personally think its amazing but it can drive people nuts sometimes, what I mean by that is the ghost buttons activate anywhere at anytime; i dont know any other way of putting it, so lets say youve got a button assigned to Engine On/Off, so youre flying somwhere and the X55 just decides to "RKO 'Outta Nowhere" the heli/plane as it presses the button "for you". Its a bug, yes, any fixes, no clue. Its a good piece of kit if you want a cheaper H.O.T.A.S system but the Warthog is highly recommended if you have money to spend. Im actually saving up for one now. My opinion on TrackIR is: from what ive heard its awesome and worth every penny + you can use it on Arma but it just doesnt feel right (how do I know = ive used freetracknoIR {i know i shouldnt be comparing the two}) but other than that I havent used TrackIR myself.

    PS: I have to do a Macbeth quote there "Is that a X55 I see before me?" and that quote goes to Solex.

    The Saitek Fly 5 is a good one...

    Im gonna have to cut that one short there David...what I want to say is that the FLY 5 is SHOCKING!!. That was the joystick that I had before the X55 and guess what happened...the rudder axis snapped clean. Ok so here is the context: I was flying on FSX quite a long time before joining the A3 Community, I was about to take off in a Bell-206 Jet Ranger and hey I needed to make a coordibated turn (using the X-Axis, Y-Axis and the rudder axis at the same time) and *snap* the joystick does a 180° turn on me - the rudder snapped. I still have it somwhere - I saw it the other day when looking for the X55. Ill get a picture up tomorrow. Itll be on the Gallery under darkstar1426.

  3. And I was trying to be cocky and do:


    1.Highlight the numbers
    2.Press Ctrl+F
    3.Press 9
    4.Read the message.
    Edit: Just want to add that I came across tons of spoilers regarding other things in that specific format, so why not try.
  4. Nice idea, I personally think that the Arsenal Box should stay but if its possible restrict it to certain kits i.e a rifleman to only be able to pick between 5.56 primary weapons and 9mm handguns (the handguns shouldn't be a problem as I see a lot of people running around with Glocks) and for his kit he should be able to modify the way his character looks in all aspects however only the NATO gear should be available on maps such as Panthera. For the launchers sake the rifleman would be only able to carry the M136 or the AT4 but thats the moderator discretion.

    Long story short make it specialized loadouts, but give some room for difference (one person can run the L86 and the other an M4).


    Edit: Im gonna get a bollocking for getting the L85 and the L86 mixed up. Battlefield 4 y u do dis?

  5. Thanks Icy, Ive managed to learn a couple of things since starting this post as well as through the kind replies I received from you guys, I will now kindly step down the Command slot for the ones that are better at it than myself and instead drop down a notch in the CoC into the ASL position and listen and learn and try my best at a slightly lower level of complexity (if that would be the correct way to put it).

  6. I appreciate your help lads, I guess thats my question solved so far...I suppose I could allow other people to ask their questions here, if they want to find out anything else or just looking for general tips based around EU#3 (if the forum rules allow that, i mean i did create a "Tips" post for a reason, sharing is caring...to a extent).

    Once again thanks guys, I also hope to see some more training events (I really like that idea). I missed the leadership one and didnt manage to hear anything about the general training.

  7. Hi there Solex, thanks for the reply, I played on EU#3 for some time now and I thought about stepping the game up for myself. As you said about starting by leading fireteams which i could also tick for myself if I could put it that way, I just didnt find it very "fun", that is because of people complaining at me for getting them killed by doing as im told, i.e move to that compound and clear it. I guess i need to work on my tactics and understanding the set orders as well as actually not being scared of saying "Wait, why should I go there?". I dont know if that is the problem.JG

    Thanks Ryko for the feedback, I think youve seen me command a couple of days ago on Panthera. We had to insert by boat to the desert part of the map to destroy a vechicle dump.

  8. Hello, I think its about time I introduce myself on the forums for the people that don't know me...Hi my name's darkstar1426, in game you might see me as Jake Greene. Anyway now I'll get to the point, recently ive been trying the role of Platoon Command and well... things didn't go as expected for some time and only recently I questioned the thought of "Should I go to the forums with a question?". So here I am with a question...and the question is "Can some kind folk give me tips on how to successfully command?". Ill also point out that Ive been getting quite a lot of help ingame by the likes of Plant1ng and Icy, oh and not to forget Origins. A big thanks to you guys. But its just that I am eager to learn more... So if you have any Tips and Tricks on commanding then his is the place to share...


    PS: Oh by the way, yes I have read the post "Thoughts on leading a unit"

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