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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Now, I'll just start off by saying this isn't a post about asking to remove certain items from the server, simply a discussion on how people approach the moral issue of this;

    When do you stop killing the bots in favour of allowing other people on the server to get some action?

    It's a rather awesome thing to roll up to an AO with the slammer, coming up on that perfect camping hill and simply, just utterly destroy your enemies. To wipe out all the vehicles and infantry in sight and see yourself rise up the score board. Or to set up that mortar team that just wipes out everything within a 4 kilometer radius ( Except those hellish Kuma's, oh god... The horror.) while feeling like a complete bad-ass, forgetting the fact you're a coward sitting with a large penis extension away from any danger at all.

    When you do this it's very entertaining and it's rather simple to do either, with a little bit of luck to get the Slammer or the FSG gunner class you can do tremendous damage. So here comes the issue: Should you hog all the action and fun for yourself?

    For myself, with the Slammer I only take out vehicles and that is it. I focus down on the role I have of wiping out enemy armor, then leaving the infantry for our comrades on the ground so that they have some fun taking shots at some meat dummies. With the mortar, I only act as support for people who request mortar strikes.

    Though I've not seen this being done before, what do you guys feel about people doing everything by themselves with one of the overpowered items in the game and not leaving things for others to do.

    Discuss below, I'd love to hear your opinions on whether you've had similar experiences or if you pull back your own bad-assery to make sure that others have fun as well.

  2. I just love this new server provided by Ahoyworld, it's Awesome. I've always wanted PvP in ArmA lll but none of the other pvp servers offers an interesting experience. It's nothing but large deathmatches, such as King of the Hill and so forth. This CtF one is awesome, I hope you guys keep it because it's a lot of fun.

    Oh, anyone wants to form a squad in it? I'd love to set something up with some tactical minded people.

    However, there's one huge complaint that I think needs to be fixed. Your character gets exhausted even with light gear. I literally jogged for only 150 meters and he started panting. No, not sprinting, just jogging.

  3. post-4018-0-19257800-1432922665_thumb.gi

    Ravenous Rabbit is the name I go by in the Ahoyworld Arma Ill servers. There's not much to say besides that I'm looking for people to play in a serious squad, more or less focused on actual tactical gameplay with people who play regularly.

    I prefer playing either a medic or AT role, supportive classes for the most part; Long range shooting from 800 meters away is one of the most boring activities in Arma lll, so I desire close quarters fighting that comes with a squad that calls out targets, heading, range, what kind of threat it is and so forth with people who are not back-seat gamers and will complain about minor mistakes. Fun is the name of the game, so therefore...

    You can find me under the steam name "[<3] Ravenous Rabbit", so if you're interested in what I'm looking for send me an invite and we'll set something up.

    Disclaimer: One thing that you might want/need to know is that I'm gay, if you're religiously/ideologically against that it's probably good that I keep your sensitive heart away from such perversion. I might just eat your children and pee on your Bible, right?


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