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Posts posted by Pancake

  1. 3. 


    The Strider variants will work with that camo, the Ifrits will not. That is actually the base skin of the Strider, BIS overlayed the AAF skin afterwards.

    Huh, I never knew that, you learn something new every day

    With the new update coming would it be possible to change the colour of an ifrit so that it's distinct from the ones that are normally spawned in?


    I'll have a quick mess around in the editor once that update is out and see if any really stand out, I'll post a comparison as well should I find any

  2. Howdy folks, got a couple of suggestion that could hopefully improve the overall enjoyment from I&A (not that it isn't fun already, although those aimbot ai sure are a big damper...) so I'll just jump straight in and lay them out.

    1. An AA Buzzard; I've said this multiple times but an AA buzzard for the pilots upon start would really help to take care of the never ending stream of jets until the at or explosives guys can get their fingers out and blow up the radio tower. It would also reduce the dependence on AT guys having some sense to carry an AA launcher every know and then. Having it on a half hour re-spawn (or perhaps the same time as the UAVs) should discourage asshats incompetent jet pilots from taking them.

    2. Someone may have mentioned in another thread about removing enemy uniforms and some of their gear, I'd say that's a good idea up to a certain point, removing all the csat clothing and helmets would make a lot of sense as no-one can really wear them (at least on other peoples screens). Removing the AAF combat fatigues would also be a good idea but as there is a guerilla smock with a similar camouflage to the AAF fatigues, the MICH helmets should be kept in for those that like to play an "AAF deserter" (such as myself). Also, ditch the civvy clothing too, as sweet as it is you can't wear it because lol geneva convention (no clue why soldiers can't wear civvy clothing, not as if they'll ever have time off or anything)

    3. Give us less unarmed hunters and one armed strider in the same camo style as the current strider. For the love of god, the hunter is astoundingly shit compared to the other MRAPs in Arma, why so many are in base is beyond me (except maybe that their AMERICAN and essentially 10+ tonnes of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY). Maybe two unarmed hunters, one unarmed strider and maybe even a re-skinned unarmed Ifrit to one armed hunter and strider.

    4. Set a time period of transport that has to be reached before you can fly a CAS jet. Stops the jet whores and asshats that think it's a practice arena, they want to fly them that badly, there's the editor for that. Simple as that.

    5. Perhaps instead of the two hellcats (as nice as they are having two of them makes it a bit boring to fly as it's the monotone green most of the time) have an orca (black variant, maybe script in flares for it as it has the same plight as the hummingbird) and a ghost hawk. The total transport seats from those two would be 18 instead of the hellcats combined 12 (neither of those numbers include co-pilots seating).

    And that's all the suggestions I have, hope they're at the very least considered and thank you for your time.

  3. Name's pancake, I play a lot on the ahoyworld I&A arma 3 server. Finally got around to making an introduction (took long enough!). I'm an engineering student (electrical) that enjoys playing video games in my free time, most of the time it's arma 3 or recently Thief (I have almost 300 hours clocked on A3)

    Not sure what else to say here to be honest so I'll part with what classes I enjoy playing on arma 3. I often try for a pilot slot if one's free, but if there are none available I tend to go repair specialist, AT rifleman or grenadier

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