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Posts posted by PVT_Ben

  1. potential problem with the mortars,

    it seems that if the HE mortar completely runs out of ammo it wont respawn ammo again, even well after 30 minutes has passed. I had this problem before and left after about 45 minutes of no ammo, Liabilities is currently on about 45 minutes too with no mortar ammo respawn. Respawn does still work as long as there is some ammo left. Also havnt tried this with the smoke mortar yet.


    EDIT: Did reload eventually when i returned to the server later, but it took over an hour.

  2. Firebase trenchfoot feedback:

    1)     The biggest problem is people using it without knowing what they are doing. Ive joined a number of times and found the mortars disabled and mortar bags littering the floor, where people have obviously been setting up their own mortars and getting infinite ammo. I don't know if this is possible, but if you could display a guidelines screen when someone joins as mortar gunner, maybe that would help. Something along the lines of: dont disable the mortars, you have X ammo which respawns every Y minutes, protocall for artillery firemissions is Z.

    2)     Most people don't call in mortar targets. There are a select few I have found who will play spotter (big thanks to Edward in particular), but most of the time you can sit in a server for the whole game and not have a single mortar strike called in. Adding a dedicated mortar spotter to the mortar gunner team would solve this, and would also solve the problem of cluttering the side chat with mortar talk since you could then talk in group chat. It would work if you could then give point rewards to the spotter for calling in successful mortar strikes.

    3)     4 mags (32 HE rounds total) is quite a lot, and is more than sufficient in my opinion. It's quite easy to get the top score as mortar gunner with that many rounds, which probably shouldn't be the case. Restricting rounds would make the gunner shoot only on targets that would actually require artillery support IRL, such as fortified positions, priority targets, large clusters of infantry and armoured vehicles, rather than just any group of enemies like at the moment.

    4)     Mortar flares at night are frikkin awesome.

  3. Is it possible to add a dedicated chat channel to mortar support? From playing today, the side channel gets way too cluttered with mortar chat and makes things confusing for everyone. Also allowing only 2 people to use the mortars through dedicated mortar user slots would be much better. At the moment there are about 5 people firing mortars at a time, making the infantry almost entirely useless.

  4. I definitely like the idea of being able to fail side missions. It makes them more interesting, not just an easier main mission with a reward. This would work well with a hostage style side mission where there is a timer before the hostage is executed or something.

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