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Posts posted by S.N.A.F.U.

  1. Hi gang, 


    I am trying to attach a VAS menu & a recruit AI to my vehicles.. It works on first spawn, but not on subsequent ones. I am pretty new to this & the syntax (& lack of sleep) Is getting the better of me. 

    This is the Init I have on the MHQ right now.


    veh = [this, 600, 30000, 0, True, FALSE, "nul = [this,""MHQ2"",5] execVM ""mark_unit.sqf"";"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; nul = [this,"MHQ2",5] execVM "mark_unit.sqf"; this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"];this addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("Recruit Menu") +"</t>"), "FOCKRecruitAI\RecruitMenu.sqf",[],1,false,true];

    I know I need to have the VAS & recruit in there before the Vehicle.SQF, but I am not sure how..


    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. if (_pos == "driver" || _pos == "gunner") then { /* awesomeness here */ };


    LOL Rarek.. :)


    I ended taking a different tack & banning the vehicles unless an authorised member was in the vehicle..


    Vehicle init..


    Veh = [this, 360, 120, 0, false, false, "this addEventHandler ['GetIn', {_this execVM 'Hcheck.sqf'}];"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this execVM "Hcheck.sqf"}];

    Note to self, I should put in the mark_unit too...


    & Boot.sqf


    //if (isServer) exitWith {};
    waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""};
    _masterUIDArray = ["1112223334444", "444333222111", "1818181818181818"];
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _seat = _this select 1;
    _player = _this select 2;
    _nameCheck = false;
    _startFuel = fuel _vehicle;
    //sleep 0.1;
    //if (!(local _vehicle) || !(_player == player)) exitWith {hint str _player};
    sleep 0.1;
    _vehicle setFuel 0;
    _vehicle vehicleChat format["Welcome %1!", name _player];
    //hint format ["%1 got in %2 seat of %3", name _player, _seat, typeOf _vehicle];
    //hint str toArray name _player;
    if (!(_player in _vehicle))  exitWith {_vehicle setFuel _startFuel;};
    _name = toArray name _player;
    	if (getPlayerUID _player in _masterUIDArray) then {
    	_vehicle vehicleChat "Hardcore member!";
    	_nameCheck = true;
    	else {
    	_vehicle vehicleChat "You are not a registered member";
    sleep 1.0;
    if (!(_player in _vehicle))  exitWith {_vehicle setFuel _startFuel;};
    if (_nameCheck) then {
           _vehicle vehicleChat format ["Engine Unlocked %1!", name _player];
    } else {
           _vehicle vehicleChat "or your identity could not be verified.";
           moveOut _player;
    sleep 2.0;
    _vehicle setFuel _startFuel;

    It's a bit clunky, but it works... Thanks again for your help :)

  3. Hey guys, Noobie question of the week....


    I am doing a script up to restrict some vehicles to certain members of our group. I am using an .SQF as follows


    this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {
    	_veh = _this select 0;
    	_pos = _this select 1;
    	_unit = _this select 2;
    	if (isPlayer _unit) then {
    		if (_pos == "driver") then {
    			if ((getPlayerUID _unit) != MasterUIDlist) then {
    				_fuel = fuel _veh;
    				_veh setFuel 0;
    				_veh vehicleChat format["%1 - You Cannot operate this vehicle",(name _unit)];
    				sleep 1;
    				_unit action ["getOut", _veh];
    				_veh setFuel _fuel;
    			} else {
    				_veh vehicleChat format["Welcome %1",(name _unit)];

    My question is, what's the proper syntax to add pos == "Gunner" in as well.


    Any help would be appreciated :)

  4. I don't know if it's possible yet but I'd love to have this like we did in ARMA 2, where we had a setting in Parameters that made it so you could only destroy towers & side mission objectives (choppers & Radars) with C4. It also had a setting where you could choose how much c4 it took.


    We have a few on our server who just like to crash choppers into them or use explosive shells from long ranges, and I feel this takes out the fun of the game :). rather than kicking them all it would be better to change this .

  5. This is basically what happened in the PvP server when the enemy CAS showed up. Friendly CAS rtb'd, and everyone on the ground would start freaking out and trying to shoot it down.


    A noble idea, however it wouldn't be too much of a problem seeing as AA is available to everyone right now, the max amount of time an Mi-48 might be up is a minute or two.


    This is true, But how many people carry AA as a part of their normal kit? Your general ground pounder would be forced into cover when one of these come past till someone RTB's & gets AA. Unless you have some people that would sacrifice Kit ammo room to hold on to a launcher full time.


    An additional  to this would be for the chopper to drop troops in RANDOM places around the island. Those would then patrol an area until taken out (or leg it to the main AO) . This would then add the fun of random troops outside of the expected kill zone & make flying around or driving a bit more tense :)


    LOVE the idea. 

  6. Noob Question of the week...


    I have done  a bit of modifying of your previous  (Version 2.87.4 BETA) version of your map. Mainly minor aesthetic touches like different base layout, Lights in the control tower & the all important skeleton waiting for a chopper ect.


    What I want to know is can I easily merge this with your new version, retaining your fixes & my layout? 


    Any help would be appreciated :)

  7. Hey Gang,



    New to the forums but been loving the Invade & annex for ARMA 3 for a while now (& previously domination on Arma 2). Fantastic work your doing. I am Lead scout & Tank operator for the =HARDCORE= clan in Australia. Our community plays regularly & we have quite a diverse Australasian group who play semi serious games with a focus on teamwork..


    We have been running the 2.83 for a while now on our server, but was wondering if we could get a copy of 2.85 revive to upload. (The latest Alpha patch seems to have created some issues with 2.83).  We would love to update & continue to grow our Arma 3 numbers, not to mention continuing having fun on your maps!


    Whatever the outcome, I am pleased to be here & hope to get to know you all better in the future  :) 

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