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Posts posted by ShepherdLaw

  1. In-game name when banned: CPL | A. Shepherd


    What message displays when you attempt to connect? Banned for Uncalled CAS & Ignoring Admin


    Why do you think you were banned? USing an AA jet for CAS


    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? I had absolutely 0 Knowledge of this rule, And I wasn't ignoring staff, Apparently He sent a side chat message, I was in TS, I wasn't looking at chat. He made no attempt to see if I was in TS, And I feel like if someone is breaking a rule, you shouldnt just ban them, You should actually speak to them, And explain what is wrong that they are doing, and how to do it properly. there was ALMOST 0 communication from the staff team before I was banned. Let me also point out that I haven't even played on this server for 12 hours. This was my very first day on the server. Also, The reason is incorrect, He said that I was banned for Uncalled CAS, But the CAS was requested on a T100 Tank, And he said I ignored staff, But he only made one attempt to reach out to me, (And I never seen the message he refers too in side chat) When the actual reason was CAS in an Unauthorized vehicle. I also had crashed the plane after my 2nd airstrike, and wasnt even in the plane for at least 3 minutes when I was banned. Which means I did get out like he asked, yet I still got banned. [Addtl Info gathered after the fact: @4:20:52 PM | (Group) CPL | A. Shepherd: Is CAS Needed anywhere 
    it is clearly in Group chat and not Side chat, This was my mistake as I thought I was in a chat my team-mates could see, Because they could hear me talking in the channel. But you see that I was trying to work as a team, Its just really unfortunate I get banned when I was just trying to play Obj and assist my team. I didnt see him tell me to get out 5 mins after taking off in a fixed wing ( Which was technically an AA Asset ), and focusing on the mission. 

    [4.4.1.If you are operating a support asset like a mortar or a CAS plane/helicopter you are not allowed to kill the entire AO.  Support assets are there to support the infantry this means that infantry have to call these support assets in.]  At the time of the offense, I thought to have been called in, So I came and began working on the tank. Secondly, I took off directly after the CAS message, as a teammate marked a tank. @4:25:11 PM | (Side) William: Shepherd, no CAS with an AA jet. Land it - William Tells me to get out the jet in side chat, I dont see this as I was doing CAS on the marked tank and was trying not to kill myself. I do not have a timestamp of my death, But I crashed while conducting my 3RD strike on the tank, and immediately spawned at Pilot base, Where I got into a hummingbird, checked what vehicles are spawned at the base, landed the hummingbird and went to enter a ghost hawk, (at least 90-120 seconds of me at base) As I go to get into the ghost hawk, I got banned. So Even though I never even saw him tell me to get out, I was already transitioned back into Rotory.


    Which administrator banned you (if known): William


    When were you banned: 11/26/2020


    What server were you banned from? ARMA3 EU1/2

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