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Posts posted by Terderder

  1. Yup, swapped my name with the intention of trying to get back in (Real name is Terderder). I understand I am at your mercy on your decision and can only indicate that I truly am sorry, it was ridiculous childish behaviour on my part. 


    I do truly want to still be part of this community, and the only way I know I can prove that is through recognizing my poor intention then and hopefully, reconcile somehow by showing you I can be a mature player in game. 



  2. A number of us were on teamspeak goofing off. I sling loaded a vehicle with one of the choppers and intentionally crashed the load into a landed helicopter picking up a players. Laughed about it on TS, didn't respond we queried then eventually left. 


    I do apologize again, we were drunk and having fun, but I don't intend to do that again as this was a good server and good people on it.

  3. I do apologize zissou, it was a mistake and I do really want to play in a mature fashion from this point forward, you have my word on that and it won't happen again. 

  4. Ingame Name: Terderder

    Why do you think you were banned?: Teamkilling

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?: I believe this was misunderstood teamkill, I was trying out sling loading and flew to low over a helicopter that was landed which the loaded cargo collided with. Went to the washroom, and saw I had been banned without getting a chance to explain. I do apologise and don't intend to teamkill, I do wish to continue playing on your server following your rules appropriately. Let me know if you have any further inquiries!

    Which administrator banned you (Arma 3 only)?: zis (I think?)

    When were you banned?* I believe 08-May-2016


    I really do apologies for any inconvenience I have caused, it won't happen again (been practicing on my own). But if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask, as I would love to get back to playing with you guys!

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