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Posts posted by Magrice

  1. Still new around here, but I don't really feel comfortable engaging anything further than 600m with 556 rifles, sure it is safe(er) but it just doesn't feel quite as enjoyable purely from a gameplay stance. I also find that I waste more ammo than I care to when doing so despite being perfectly capable of both spotting and engaging enemies at that distance. The only time I prefer the 400-800m ranges is when I am using an LMG as you have both the ammo and what feels like a longer effective range, although that could be placebo.


    I don't really know at the end of the day if your SL or FTL tells you to engage from X distance you do, the longer you play with the same squad of people everyone gets to know how everyone else likes to play resulting in instructions lying close to the squads strengths as a whole. 


    All that said, I do like your rule of enforcing 556 for realism. It does seem like it fixes an issue which I hadn't really thought about prior. How many mags is too many though? I like to take the one loaded and then 3-4 reloads if the mags are 30 round, so between 120 and 150 rounds total, but that still weighs less than 2 MG belts total.

  2. Hi guys,


    Stumbled upon your server while looking for a video which demonstrated the new JSRS for A3 and found a VoD from Leutin's stream and decided to take a look ;)


    Played ARMA for a good long while now and was into ACE a little while back. The ARMA bug has recently bitten me again and I started getting back into it. Hopped on your server today and said hi to a few people. Tend to play whatever, but am a more than passable heli pilot, kinda meh in planes though. Ill see you online :)

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